Cyber Safety Lesson Plan 1 Computers are Here to Stay Know the Sites/Learn the Language (Lesson for Parents and Teachers) By Tracy Hintz 7/6/2009
Methods of Cyber-Technology Facebook MySpace gaya Bebo Friendster Instant Messenger YouTube Cell phones Texting Gaming Chat rooms Blogs Web Cams
Know the Cyber Language Use a resource: BRB -be right back POS -parent over shoulder :D -symbol for ‘big grin’ >:D :D< -symbol for ‘big hug’ SYL -see you later LOL -laughing out loud T2UL8ER-talk to you later
Can you decode this? Dialogue: Two seventh grade girls chatting on Instant Messaging Facebook Girl 1= Heyyyy, WU?!?!? Girl 2= NM…..U? Girl 1= same Girl 2= OMG!! DYH?!??!? Girl 1= hw!?! Girl 2= ron& monique are going out!??!? Girl 1= ROFLOL…………ewww!! There not gonna stay wit each otha long…… ron dumps every girl for some 1 else in like 5 days after he goes out with some 1 else! Girl 2= really?.... Girl 1= yeah…. I went out wit him for like 5 days….then he dumped me! Girl 2= oooo.. tat is harsh! LOL Girl 2= uh-ohh….. POS….GTG!! loL Girl 1= K…..TTFN……. LYL <3 Girl 2= aww thanx! Girl 1= np…..=p Girl 2= Byye!
Lessons in Cyber Safety by Tracy Hintz Lesson 1- Info For Parents/Teachers Lesson 2- Play Fair/Play Nice Lesson 3- Protect Yourself-Or else Lesson 4- TBA