DNA analysis lab techniques
What are restriction enzymes and how do they cut DNA? An enzyme produced by bacteria that cut DNA at a certain point. Each restriction enzyme has a certain DNA code that it cuts it only cuts at that point. Restriction enzymes cut foreign bacteria's DNA to protect the host from corruption. Restriction enzymes come from a type of bacteria produced in the body.
What is PCR and how does it amplify DNA PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction and it is a process used to increase how many DNA samples we have it inserts polymerase that compensates for the missing DNA that we caused to separate so it creates new DNA until it falls off and on the third cycle it creates the target DNA that we need and it is not attached to any other DNA. Poly means many mer- parts rase- enzymes
What are RFLP’s & how are they used to compare DNA? Restriction fragment length polymorphisms are formed when a restriction enzymes cut DNA at a certain point RFLP’s get used for splitting up DNA to see the differences between the DNA.
What is gel electrophoresis & how is it used/interpreted Gel electrophoresis forces the RFLP’s to split the DNA and then when the electrical current starts it forces the Negatively charged DNA to move towards the positive charged electricity. The phosphate gives DNA it’s negative charge. Smaller DNA moves farther than large DNA because the smaller DNA has an easier time making it’s way through the gel because it’s small so it doesn’t have to twist and turn like the larger DNA. Electro- Electrotype Phore-denotating an agent or bearer of a specified thing Sis- sister electrophoresis-electricity denotating an agent or a specified thing sister