Space Asteroids Raynaldo 6B
Asteroids properties and definition Asteroids are small, airless rocky, dry and dusty worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to be called planets, they also can be silicon based rock, some metals like nickel and iron, and carbon. They are also known as planetoids, planetoids is A planet which is the name given to objects in space of a planet, and which are larger than meteors. the mass of all the asteroids is less than earths moon Many have hit Earth in the past, and more will crash into our planet in the future for some prediction. Asteroids are leftovers from the formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Early in the birth of Jupiter covered some planet bodies from forming in the distance between mars and Jupiter causing some small objects that crashes with each other into asteroids until these days.
Asteroids size and mass characteristics Asteroids can reach as large as Ceres also considered as the dwarf planet, Almost all Asteroids are irregularly shaped although a few spherical/ circle. Most asteroids are quite small, under 1 kilometer in size The largest asteroid is Ceres, with a diameter of 940 km Only 200,000 are known, but billions possibly exist The mass of all the asteroids added together would be less than the mass of the Moon
Asteroids distance from the sun Asteroid belts: Astronomers measure distances in our solar system in units of the Earth-Sun distance, which is 150 million kilometers. They call this an astronomical unit or AU, that lies between mars and Jupiter. Some observer have never found out if some asteroids hit the sun but some asteroids also hit the sun and some scientist never predicted what really happened. The Asteroid belt have been entering the inner solar system and something that makes them out of their original orbit. It is actually difficult for something that is orbiting to fall all the way into the sun. This is because of a property of orbiting objects called angular momentum. Angular momentum is a sort of measure of how much something is rotating around a central point.
Asteroids distance between the sun The distance of Asteroid closest to a planet is Jupiter and mars, he first asteroid (Ceres) was discovered on Jan. 1, 1801, by Giuseppe Piazzi at Palermo, Italy. Asteroids rotate in central axis, some asteroids have moon like planets and some small asteroids covering around them. Also like planets, their orbits keep them about the same distance from the sun at all times, From the cosmic dust that formed the sun and the planets of our solar system. Along with comets, they’re sort of like the building blocks of the solar system. We can investigate the effects of resonances by modeling the orbit of a point mass (the asteroid) under the combined gravitational pull of the Sun and Jupiter. To make the problem simpler, we will assume that the Sun and Jupiter have circular orbits about the center of mass of the Sun-Jupiter system, and that the orbit of the asteroid lies in the same plane as the orbits of Jupiter and the Sun.
Color and temperature We discuss optical colors of 10,592 asteroids with known orbits selected from a sample of 58,000 moving objects observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This is more than ten times larger sample that includes both orbital parameters and multi-band photometric measurements than previously available. We confirm that asteroid dynamical families, defined as clusters in orbital parameter space, also strongly segregate in color space. TEMPERATURE: The temperature of the asteroid belt varies. It can range from something on the order of 200 K (−73 °C) near the inner edge (about 2.2 AU) down to 165 K (−108 °C) near the outer edge (about 3.2 AU. Links can be found below for more information.
Motion, rotation, revolution The rotations of asteroids larger than 40 km in diameter have a distribution close, that suggests that they are ally evolve crash left. Either original bodies of the asteroid main belt or its largest, Small asteroids show significant excesses of both slow and fast rotations, a “barrier” against spins faster than 12 rotations per day, and some of them are binary systems on inner-planet-crossing orbits with a characteristic fast rotation of their primaries. Asteroids take 2 to 18 hours to fully form from the same dust and gas that the sun and other planets are formed by.
Asteroid belts The asteroid belt is divided into an inner belt and an outer belt. The inner belt, which is made up of asteroids that are within 250 million miles (402 million km) of the Sun, contains asteroids that are made of metals. The outer belt, which includes asteroids 250 million miles (402 million km) beyond the Sun, consists of rocky asteroids. These asteroids appear darker than the asteroids of the inner belt, and are rich in carbon.
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Asteroid collision The effect of collision between asteroids depends on the sizes of the bodies involved. If a very small asteroid hits larger one, it will produce a crater on the surface. This crater will be about 10 times the size of the incoming bodies. As asteroids are much smaller than planets, the material blasted out of the crater will escape and move off onto an independent orbit around the sun. this orbit will, be very similar to that impacted asteroid. A bigger impactor can break up the asteroids that it hits. So much energy is used to this that the resulting fragments cannot escape from gravitational field.