Our solar System Extra-solar Planets Moons Space Quiz Welcome to the Planet Exploration Program Going somewhere, well of course you are. The journey you are about to take will amaze and probably Shock you! Prepare for an experience like no other man or women has ever seen! This is The Planet exploration. Version 0.1
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Our moon (Earths moon) is a normal moon, just like any other, the moon has 7seasons they are all shown below. Other moons, Like Jupiter's Titan, are different from ours.
Our solar system has nine planets, however Pluto has been criticized because people believe it’s a giant asteroid frozen up and has been ejected to the distant parts of the solar system. Mercury – The closest Planet to the sun Venus – The hottest planet in our solar system Earth – The only existing life in our solar system Mars – The red Planet Jupiter – The largest planet in our solar system Saturn – The Ringed planet Uranus – The ice Planet Neptune – The water Planet and the great big spot Pluto – The Servant of planets
Exstra solar Planets An extra solar planet is a planet that has been discovered outside our solar system. This means that the planet is a huge distance away orbiting another star!