Section 4 Minor Members of the Solar System Topic #2 Section 4 Minor Members of the Solar System
Asteroids Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the sun in a regular path. MOST asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It takes the average asteroid 3 to 6 years to orbit the sun. Asteroids form as a result of collisions between two larger objects in space (they are the debris that is left).
Comets Comets are pieces of rock and minerals with frozen water, ammonia and other gases and materials. Most comets have extremely long orbital paths. It takes most comets hundreds of thousands of years to make one orbit around the sun. A few make shorter trips around the inner solar system (orbit only takes about 200 years)
Comets Comets are very cold far from the sun. As a comet moves closer to the sun the gasses and liquids found on and in the comet begin to vaporize. This material gives the comet the appearance of glowing. This glowing head is called the comets coma.
Comets As the coma begins to trail behind the comet a tail forms behind the comet.
Comets Comets are formed in one of two locations in our solar system. Kuiper Belt = located past Neptune and where outer solar system comets form Oort Cloud = located in the center of our solar system and where most comets are formed
Comets Halley’s Comet is the most famous comet. It is a comet that makes an orbit every 76 years. It was last seen in March 1986. It will not pass within view of the earth again until 2062.
Meteoroids A meteoroid is a small solid particle traveling through space. Most originate in one of three ways: 1.) Interplanetary debris left over from the formation of the solar system 2.) Material that escaped from the asteroid belt 3.) Remains of comet that traveled near earth long ago
Meteoroids When a meteoroid enters Earths atmosphere it experiences great friction. This friction causes the meteoroid to burn up….it is now considered a meteor. These are the shooting stars we sometimes see at night IF a meteor reaches the surface of the Earth it is considered a meteorite.
Meteoroids Scientists use radio dating to identify the approximate age of meteorites. They use this information to help them make guesses about the age of the earth and the solar system.