The Joint COntrols Project Framework Manuel Gonzalez Berges on behalf of the JCOP FW Team
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 2 Contents Overview Deliverables Who is using it? Development Process Current Status Summary
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 3 The Joint COntrols Project Set up in 1998 as a collaboration between the four LHC experiments and CERN as equal partners Project mandate: “To develop a common Framework and components for detector control of the LHC experiments and to define the required long-term support.“ JCOP comprises many activities Evaluation of different technologies Main subprojects Framework Detector Safety System (DSS) Gas Systems And others
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 4 The JCOP Framework Project established in May 2000 Use Architecture WG Framework Design Proposal as starting point Aims Reduce the development effort Reuse of components Hide complexity Help in the learning process Facilitate the integration Reduce resources needed afterwards Homogeneous control system Operation Maintenance
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 5 Approach Followed Provide a higher layer of abstraction reduce knowledge of tools interface for non experts Customize & Extend industrial components Modular/Extensible core mix & match components As intuitive as possible Global rather than local optimization Not a complete control system!
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 6 Types of Users Component Developer Extends the Framework System Developer Develops a controls application using the Framework System Integrator Puts together systems developed separately End Users Domain Expert (e.g. gas, high voltage)
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 7 DCS Development Architecture Working Group Experiment Control System Experiment Framework Control System Framework SCADA/FSM And other tools Framework Design JCOP Framework Team Experiment Team Experiment Sub-detector Teams Users
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 8 SCADA (PVSS) JCOP FW (Supervisory) Supervisory Application FSM, DB, Web,etc. Supervision Front-end PLC UNICOS FW FE Application Communication PC (Windows, Linux) Other Systems Commercial Devices Device Driver FE Application OPC, PVSS Comms, DIM, DIP Architecture
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 9 Framework Deliverables Guidelines document Devices Tools Libraries Examples Tutorial & training
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 10 Guidelines and Conventions Guidelines to produce a coherent control system Look and feel e.g. colours, fonts, layout Alarm classes Naming convention Exception handling File organization and so on
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 11 Devices Representation of real-world device or logical entity Device consists of Supervisory Data Point Type(s) Library Panels Front-end object Commercial Custom made
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 12 Supported Devices Generic Analog-Digital devices CAEN power supplies Wiener power supplies Wiener Fan Tray (crate control) PS and SPS machine data server ELMB Logical Node/View Device Support Extension
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 13 Tools (I) Device Editor/Navigator Main interface to the Framework System management: installation, login, etc Configuration and operation of devices Controls Hierarchy High level view and behaviour of experiment Includes Finite State Machines (based on SMI++) Provides predefined behaviour (partitioning rules) External Alarm Handler Receive alarms in PVSS from a external system Trending Simplify & extend PVSS trends Pages of predefined plots, templates, tree
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 14 Tools (II) Generic External Handler To incorporate C++ code to panels and ctrl manager Easier to use than standard PVSS C++ Mass Configuration Initial release including creation and deletion Manipulation of device sets coming Component Installation
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 15 Supervisory Application Event Manager Data Manager OPC client OPC server FW Custom FE Device Editor Navigator Controls Hierarchy C/C++ code GEH EAH External System FW Custom FE Devices User specific FE User Framework PVSS Commercial Equipment OPC, DIM, PVSS comms Framework Components
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 16 Other deliverables Libraries Setting of address, alerts, archiving, etc List manipulation Exception handling Examples Panels Buttons Scripts Tutorial Use of several FW tools Available as a one day course from the CERN Training Service Can be run in our lab with real hardware or in user’s own lab with simulator
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 17 Who is using it? Fixed target experiments COMPASS HARP NA60 LHC experiments & testbeams ALICE / HMPID, TPC ATLAS / Muon Chambers, Inner Detectors integration CMS / Muon DT LHCb / Velo, Muon Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) Experiments’ Gas Control Systems LHC Accelerator UNICOS Framework Cryogenics Vacuum
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 18 Development Process Driven by the Framework Working Group Meetings every two weeks Identify new components and set priorities (planning) Review requirements Review implementation proposals Forum for exchanging ideas Members Representatives from each of the LHC experiments FW core team Agreed development process Iterative, lightweight Configuration Management
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 19 Short requirements doc Implementation Proposal Implementation Test Documentation FW WG Review Development Process Information Management Configuration Management
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 20 Status Three major releases since June 2001 Increasing functionality Incorporating feedback Current work Simplification of the integration of new device types Configuration from an external database Data Storage and Retrieval CASTOR Conditions Database ISEG power supplies Access Control Scalability tests
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 21 Summary Successful collaboration Development process Framework WG Feedback from users Deliverables in production Overhead of consultancy and support Useful feedback from users Recent external JCOP Review Approach adopted was supported Framework identified as one of the key elements of JCOP Good support for common devices Databases an important issue to be followed
27/03/03 M. Gonzalez Berges / JCOP FW team 22 Pointers JOint Controls Project External JCOP Review JCOP Framework: