Healthy Habits How to make health goals and stick with a health behavior contract
Ways to make a person healthy 8 hours of sleep Learn to cope with emotions Keep your environment clean Maintain a healthy social life Annual check-ups Exercise daily Proper Nutrition Be more decisive Abstain from unhealthy products like alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. Proper Hygiene Controlling your anger Take vitamins Maintain a positive outlook Increase your mental capacity Become more spiritually aware Communicate with parents, friends, EVERYONE
Ways to make a person healthy Practice good personal hygiene Eat your fruits and veggies Don’t do drugs Get the proper amount of sleep (8 hours) Increasing your mental capacity Coping with your emotions Keeping your room clean Just say no to alcohol Proper Nutritional Practice Being more decisive Exercise daily Taking Vitamins Engaging in social interactions Increasing your spiritual awareness Regular check-ups
Ways to make a person healthy Take vitamins Don’t smoke Exercise regularly Proper Nutrition Express ourselves through music Proper Hygiene Finding a hobby you love Working hard Getting annual check- ups Going to church Abstain from alcohol Recycle A healthy social life Going to school