Qatar Plan 2030 : Environment By Hannah Blackburn-Jones
This statement is highly believed in Qatar, and it’s important that people start caring for the environment as not all resources last forever, and other characteristics affect it to. Such as pollution, global warming, and more. Once Qatar starts taking action, it will lead to difference in the future and the satisfaction for everyone. “If we nurture our environment, it will nurture us”- Mozah bint Nasser Al-Misnid
A population that is filled with citizens who are environmentally aware and treasure the preservation of natural and historical heritage of Qatar, and its neighboring countries.
A balanced legal system that protects and covers all elements of the environment, and a proper response to challenges if they arise, so that the people and environment are equally balanced in rights.
Knowledge and public awareness of environmental protection, and also help push the use of environmental safe technology. Institutions will have informing campaigns that raise awareness, undergo planning tools, and go through with extensive environmental research.
What developments / changes will have been made in your opinion by is just 8 years away from the final 2030 plan, but 2022 is also Fifa world cup. I think that before Fifa, so laws would have been made out, aimed at keeping the environment clean and safe, while advertisements would be put up everywhere telling people to care for the environment, preparing for Fifa world cup. I think this would have been done because the plan is still far away from 2030, so major plans wouldn’t have been done as Fifa is on the way, and Qatar needs to prepare for that. But laws will have been made because as there will be many tourists in Qatar, they would want to do things in the desert and around the country, and with the advertisements too, it helps enforce the safety of the environment, and tries to keep a balance between the new society and the current situation in the environment.
Where Qatar will have got in relation to fulfilling their goals of 2030 in your chosen section Qatar’s 2030 plan for the environment consist of three major areas. Firstly, getting an environmentally aware population, secondly, laws that help enforce the safety of the environment and heritage, and lastly, institutions that broadens peoples knowledge and carries out activates aimed at helping the environment. I think that Qatar will be working on getting the population aware, and they would have a lot of advertisements, commercials, ect. Only when Qatar feels the masses are ready, then they would open their institutions, to re-enforce the populations awareness. Then, I think most likely, whenever there is a problem of keeping safety of the environment in balance, laws will be made immediately, so Qatar is open to working on that whenever they feel it is needed.
How do you think Qatar would have altered its Qatar 2030 plan to take into consideration the holding of the World Cup in 2022? I think that Qatar while emphasize some points in its plan while it will stop others, and as many people come in, many problems do too. I think that Qatar will stop its process of creating the institutions, as other people will be more concerned with matches, and getting everything together during the World Cup. Laws will probably be more strict since so many different culture will be in one country, and that includes laws towards the environment. While advertisements to get the population aware will most likely to be stopped as all advertisements will probably be aimed at Fifa World cup and promoting it.
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