A motivational leader/captain of the track and cross country teams Summer league swim coach Middle school math tutor Member of the Principal’s Advisory Council Attended the leadership class Active member of Student Government and Beta Club
1) Commitment 2) Dedication 3) Work ethic Motivate others to be successful Use all three to accomplish our chapter’s goals in the upcoming year Unite with the other NHS officers to form a team
Give back to the community who has helped me be successful Aid others so they can achieve their goals Broaden my horizons and outlook on life Help make a difference to those less fortunate Spark a domino effect, inspire others to become involved
Improve public relations within the school and community More interclub communication Create more service opportunities Start a “Go Green” campaign at school called Klean 4 Kell
Set up recycling bins Sell cans to raise money for other service opportunities like SWAL and Relay for Life Campus clean up days Purpose Helping our custodial staff keep Kell’s environment clean Improve pride in our school Raise money to help others