WHAT DO SUCCESSFUL MOVEMENTS DO? Build movement infrastructure and mobilize resources Reframe the debate Take Advantage of Opportunities
STRATEGIES Community organizing Organization building Local adaptation Networking Technical studies Advocacy Legal action Media Other
Community Based Organizations Local NGOs, Businesses, Government State and National NGOs, Businesses, Academics, Media, Legal Help National Networks International NGOs and companies, Academics, Media International Networks
MOVEMENT VALUES Participation Trust Openness
INITIATIVE ON MINING, ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY (IMES) NATIONAL LEVEL COALITION ON MINING (NCOM) COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATIONS Concerns of communities relating to policy redress Reactions and actions of government Policy positions of government Reactions and actions of government Policy positions of government Conveyance of grassroots concerns Conveyance of national policy, global best practice, financial information Policy advocacy objectives looking for regional support Mainstreaming of international best practices, laws and conventions at national level National Coalition on Mining
Chris Allan