Freak the Mighty by Rod Philbrick Your name 7 th Reading Mrs. Smith Hour Date
Table of contents Introduction Characters Plot Opinion Conclusion
Introduction Freak the Mighty was written by Rod Philbrick. The writing is fast paced and exciting. It is a book that will stand the test of time. Young adults will enjoy reading this book. Characters, plot and opinion will be included in this presentation.
Characters There were many important characters in this book. Freak was a boy who had a disease called Morquio syndrome and was very bossy. His best friend Max was very big, growing fast and in an LD class at school. Freak’s mom was know as the Fair Gwen of Air. She was very beautiful. Max’s grandmother was called Gram. His Grandfather was called Grim. He thought that their names reflected their personalities. Freak was an interesting character and the one I liked the most. He liked to go on quests and believed in living life to the fullest. He did not waste any time. I did not like Tony the Blade. He tried to hurt Freak and Max. He seemed to only have fun when he was being mean to other people. People should not be allowed to hurt other people.
Plot The plot in this book was exciting and believable. It takes place in present time, in a small town somewhere in the United States. Our story begins with Max living in the “down under.” Shortly thereafter he meets Freak. Once he meets Freak his life changes. They become good friends and go on many quests. Max learns how to do better in school. Together they become better than each of them is alone. Together they are known as “Freak the Mighty.” and they deal with the things that come their way. One example is when Max’s dad Killer Kane kidnaps him. (man vrs. man) He doesn’t treat Max very well when he ties him up to keep him from running away. Freak helps Max to escape by shooting Killer Kane with his squirt gun. This was probably also the most exciting part of the book. It was suspenseful and hard to know if Freak is going to be successful with his squirt gun. The ending was expected but good. I liked the way That Max learns how to move on with his life even though something has happened to his best friend.
Opinion This book should receive a rating of 10. It was a 10 because it was an interesting story and it moved quickly. It didn’t give me time to get bored. I also felt like I knew the characters by the end of the story. One of the books good points was the way they showed Freak. He never let his disabilities keep him from doing what he wanted to do. A bad point of this book is that Freak dies at the end. He should have been able to find a cure for his disease and lived until he was old. When I have some time, I would like to reread this book again. I think that there are some parts that I missed, that would make more sense the next time I read it. My recommendations are that my friends should read this book. I think that they will enjoy the story and the characters.
Conclusion This presentation included information on characters, plot and opinion. It is a book that I think other students will like to read. Rod Philbrick has done a good job in capturing some of the things that teenagers think and feel. He is a good author for teenagers to read.