Sandra O’Connor Lifelong Learning Officer Update
Putting Theory Into Practice
Letters of Support You can help by providing positive feedback, particularly focusing on these main areas: The value of Scran in your libraries How you are going to use Scran Who will benefit from Scran The Scottish Executive are currently reviewing the funding of Scran. We want to keep providing the same level of service and online content. We want to keep providing the same level of support and training.
Library training presentations PowerPoint downloads Events and Activities ideas and ready-to-use materials What’s On? promote your events and share your ideas News Encourage your staff to subscribe to the newsletter Plenty going on…
Adult Learners' Week 21st May to 27th May 2005 One of the annual campaigns that SALP co-ordinates in Scotland to inspire and encourage people to take up learning opportunities. Many Public Libraries took advantage of their new access to Scran and offered a wide variety of Scran workshops and promotional events to their users and local communities. Family Learning Week 26th June to 3rd July 2005
Looking for ideas? Toys - which toys do you remember playing with? Street play - which games do you remember playing? Poster Display Quizzes Ready To Print And Use Two new poster quizzes
Toys Street play
Looking for ideas? I challenge you to use your search skills to search Scran to find everything on this sheet. Ready To Print And Use Scavenger Hunt TODAY YOU ARE GOING TO BECOME DETECTIVES !!!
Looking for ideas? Create A Scene In The Library Playground fun - Charming cottage - Orchard fruits - Woodland trees Dinosaur beach - Dinosaur landscape - Dinosaurs in space Insect stunts - Insect world - Insect holes Spiders in the bakery (Or cooking up trouble) Spiders in the supermarket (Or David Bellamy meets his match) NEW fun and simple activity for all the family
Create A Scene In The Library
What’s On? If you are running a Scran event please send me the details and I will add them to the events list. FIFE Challenging all children! Be a detective! Come to A Scavenger Hunt at Methil Library, Wellesley Road, Methil on Wednesday, 29th June 2005 at 3.30pm. Fun! Prizes! And....lots more! Family Learning Week 26th June to 3rd July 2005
What’s Been On? Building a useful collection of Case Studies that: explain what you did and how you did it share your success highlight possible problems help fuel new developments link to past events to give everyone ideas for future ones Sharing Good Practice
What’s Been On? Please remember to forward: 1. Details of all the Scran events in your libraries 2. Case Studies demonstrating all the innovative ways you are using Scran in your libraries Your continuing support will be important to the development of this area.
Promoting your libraries using Scran free publicity are often looking for news items can use Scran images if promoting Scran can promote your library activities will generate interest we are happy to help organise this Community Newspapers Copyright? If in doubt get in touch.
Promoting your libraries often need to fill a page may be interested in a regular feature Community Newspapers What would I have to do? help with contacts source images provide expertise, enthusiasm and ideas Quick to organise We will help
Get into training
A New Practical Workshop A new session where library staff create something their library can use. Resource packs PowerPoint presentations Quizzes and activities Displays Outcomes from the session can be extremely flexible. I am happy to discuss individual requirements and I am accepting bookings now. Training can be organised regionally if preferred.
Focus groups Benefits include: Involvement and Input New developments New resources Tailored training Valued feedback
An idea you want to get off the ground?
A problem to solve?
An event you want to shout about?
Get in touch Sandra O’Connor Lifelong Learning Officer Telephone
Well done Thank you all for attending today. Thank you to SLIC for organising today’s seminar. Thank you to the speakers for your time and support. I hope you have found the speakers as interesting and inspiring as I have.