Sasso US I
The United States is changing pretty rapidly during Jackson’s administration- socially, politically, economically The Spoils System becomes a big part of Jackson’s government- “to the victor goes the spoils” Spoils System- appointing people to government positions on the basis of party loyalty Not a new development, but Jackson is the first president to remove officials and replace them with his own Jackson figures that the president should have more power than anyone else in the government, so he just planned on doing whatever he wanted Also develops his “Kitchen Cabinet” of advisors
One method of doing whatever he pleased was by exercising his veto power Used more vetoes (12) than the first six presidents COMBINED Many of his vetoes are used on bills proposed by Henry Clay This is one way for Jackson to get back at his political enemies
One example would be his veto on the Maysville Road Bill Since Jackson is a nationalist, many felt this would be approved This Bill would extend the Cumberland National Road inside the state of Kentucky Jackson vetoed this because the Constitution does not allow the federal government to spend $ on local transportation Since this improvement would only help Kentucky, the federal government would not pay for it Where is Henry Clay from? Kentucky What does Jackson do next? Approves a bill that will build a new National Road to and through Tennessee Where is Jackson from? Tennessee
An unlikely pairing Had a bit of a troubled history together Calhoun had been a nationalist Helped create the American system with Clay However, by the 1820’s, South Carolina is struggling economically Part of it’s struggles come from the high tariffs that Calhoun helped create (Tariff of 1816) A new tax- the Tariff of 1828 Many people in South Carolina begin to talk of secession Calhoun starts to think more along sectional lines
Calhoun’s political future truly depends on how he can help fix things for SC He is well aware that secession is very dangerous Tariff of 1828 becomes known in the South as the “Tariff of Abominations” Calhoun decides to propose the concept of Nullification Anonymously writes the South Carolina Exposition and Protest Has to keep it anonymous because he is still VP and he knows that this will go against Jackson’s beliefs Not completely his idea- had been developed by TJ and Madison The idea says that states have a final decision on federal law If a state does not agree with a federal law, they can decide to make it null and void in their borders This could potentially lead to the break up of the United States
Proposed Tariffs in 1832 will decrease taxes on certain products, but increase them on others Jackson: “Our federal Union it must be preserved” Calhoun: “The Union: Next to our liberties most dear” South Carolina will nullify the tariff
“Compromise Tariff” of 1833 Will reduce taxes over the next several years Should keep both sides happy Jackson will pass a “Force Bill” right behind it That will be nullified by SC