Unit 3&4 Review Chapters 8-11
Washington’s Presidency Takes the oath of office in 1789 Who swore him in? Establishes his cabinet
Hamilton’s Economic Plan 3 Parts Create a national bank Pay of state DebtsDebts Institute a tariff Why did the South oppose this plan? Why did they end up approving of it?
Causes Congress puts a tax on all whiskey to raise treasury funds Meanwhile, backcountry farmers are using their surplus of corn to make whiskey. American Revolution anyone?
Washington’s Reaction and Impact The only president to ever ride into battle during his term in office! Pardons the leaders of the rebellion Armed rebellion is UNACCEPTABLE!
Political Parties Federalists Alexander Hamilton Federal Gov’t Loose interpretation Pro-British Industrial Power to the elite Republicans Thomas Jefferson State Gov’t Strict Interpretation Pro-French Agricultural Power to the people
French Revolution Originally inspired by the American Revolution Compare/Contrast We remain neutral
Thomas Jefferson Shift from Federalist ideology to Republican Wants a more united America Continues to pay state debts Reduces military Cuts government jobs Allows federalists to keep their jobs Laissez-faire
Louisiana Purchase France needs money to fight the war vs. Britain Livingston and Monroe buy the land at 4 cents/acre
Enter Lewis and Clark 3 Goals Report back on the geography, plants, animals, and other natural resources. Make contact with Native Americans. Find out if a waterway existed between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean (a Northwest Passage)
The War of 1812 Impressment of sailors France had stopped, but Britain had not Remember back to the Jay treaty Federalist in the North want to secede! Treaty of Ghent Second War for Independence. A new pride in ourselves
Latin American Independence Mexico Brazil Peru Chile Argentina Haiti And many more
Monroe Doctrine France and Russia want to help Spain regain its colonies Britain and the US want to protect trade with Latin America 1823 President James Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine The US would not allow European nations to create colonies in Latin America, or interfere with those free nations.
Age of Jackson Ideology Believed that ordinary people should participate in American political life. Believed in creating a more democratic nation.
Change to a more democratic nation Suffrage – the right to vote Voting requirements extended to non-property owners Still no suffrage for women and African Americans
Industrial Revolution In the North
What problems may arise?
Samuel F.B. Morse “What hath God Wrought?”
Discrimination Immigrants African Americans German Irish Nativists Slavery ends mostly by 1800 Not treated as equals
Industrial Revolution In the South
Cotton Gin Used a spike cylinder to remove seeds from cotton fibers Increased cotton production 50x Contextualize – Industrial revolution
Slavery Expands Increase in demand of cotton 10x as much was grown in 1820 than 1790 Need more slave labor Vary from state to state More than 50% of southern farmers did NOT own slaves