The European Age of Imperialism Jimmy DiCicco and Hannah Cooper ublic.iastate.e du/~cfford/im perialism1900.gif
Imperialism? Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force olars.files.wordpress. com/2009/04/imperi alism.jpg
Who is involved in the Age of Imperialism? The European Age of Imperialism, or the Age of Imperialism consisted of Europe. Europe tried to take power over Africa, Asia, and India. org/CurriculumCon tent/ghg2004/ima ges/IMPERIALISM.j pg
When? In the late 1800s, countries in Europe started to compete for power throughout the globe. The period between is known as the age of imperialism. Imperialism started to take place when larger countries thrived for more power in other parts of the world. 8/1907powr.htm
What Happened In Africa? European nations only had a small amount of Africa in the 1800s. Once Europe began showing interest in Africa, they also began to show interest in spreading their empire Europe wanted to control trade routes, markets, and lands with raw materials so that they could have a better economy and a stronger political system with all different lands involved. European missionaries began to support imperialism because they thought this could spread Christianity and also end slavery Europe began seizing African lands with steam engines, railroads, telegraphs, and most importantly, machine guns. Gold and diamonds were found in Africa which gave Europe even more of a crave for Africa European power met in Berlin in and said that anyone can have any parts of Africa as long as they tell the other nations and showing that they took control of it causing Europe to quickly begin collecting African territory Peanuts, palm oil, cocoa, and rubber were the main productions of the plantations in Africa and also copper and tin Britain took over the butch colony on the southern coast of South Africa where they claimed all the gold and diamonds in the area. The Dutch who were kicked out of South Africa moved north to run from the British where they fought the Zulus and claim their land.
What Happened in the Ottoman? Europe nations were watching as Greece and Serbia began to gain the power to govern them, Europe began to eye these countries in hopes to conquer over them. Russia went to war with the Ottoman Empire in the 1850’s but lost when France and Britain joined together. This caused the Ottoman Empire to loose all of their land in Europe and parts of Africa. Muslim leaders seeing this began to modernize their country in hopes to make it stronger Egypt broke away from the ottoman and tried to reform the army and economy by expanding the farming potential of crops to sell to Europe. Later in time Egypt joined with the French to build a canal, which was from the Mediterranean to the red sea. Britain took control of the canal when Egypt was low on cash. Russia and Britain continued to fight over control of Persia for the Indian Ocean. When the Persian ruler began growing European influences the locals began to rebel against him leaving Persia week, and in a good position for Russia and Britain to take control.
What Happened in Asia? In the South East of Asia, Europe dove in and took the islands because of their great location of the mainlands of Asia and because of its resources of sugar, coffee, cocoa, rubber, and fruits. The British took Singapore, Malaysia, and Burma, or Myanmar. The British took in Chinese and Malaysians to work for them in these islands The French began taking in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam where they grew rice The natives became a part of the economic changes of schooling, health, and cleanliness.
How Did it Affect Us? Countries wanted to change their power relationships with one another on an economical, political, and powerful basis. After the industrial revolution it was easier for countries in Europe to build colonial empires over the globe because of the advancements in weaponry and wealth.
Works Cited "Age of Imperialism - Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Age of Imperialism." Hutchinson Encyclopedia. Web. 22 Oct "The Age of Imperialism, " McLane High School--Fresno, CA Homepage. Web. 22 Oct "The Age of Imperialism." Small Planet. Web. 22 Oct "Map - Age of Imperialism." RCN New York City | Digital Cable TV, High-Speed Internet Service & Phone in New York City, including Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. Web. 22 Oct
THE END! Thanks for watching