Setting up eSchoolPLUS to Generate Your District’s VADIR and DASA Report Updated 7/24/2014
VADIR Report Output
DASA Report Output
Changes to Discipline Validation Tables
State Equiv. Code DescriptionVADIR # HOMICIDEHomicide1 FORCIBLEForcible Sexual Offenses2.1 OTHERSEXOther Sexual Offenses2.2 ROBBERYRobbery3 ASSAULTAssault with Serious Physical Injury 4 ARSONArson5 KIDNAPKidnapping6 PHYSINJAssault with Physical Injury7 RECKLESSReckless Endangerment8 ALTERMinor Altercations9 BULLY, VERBAL, INTIMIDATE, PHYSICAL, CYABS, CYTHR Intimidation, Harassment, Menacing or Bullying, Cyber Abuse, Cyber Theat 10 VADIR & DASA Incident State Equivalent Codes Must be mapped to discipline incident codes. BURGLARYBurglary11 MISCHIEFCriminal Mischief12 THEFTLarceny or other Theft Offense13 BOMBBomb Threat14 FALSEFalse Alarm15 RIOTRiot16 WEAPSCRNWeapon Confiscated through Entry Screening 17.1 OTHERWEAPWeapon Found under other Circumstances 17.2 DRUGUse, Possession or Sale of Drug18 ALCOHOLUse, Possession or Sale of Alcohol 19 OTHEROther Disruptive Incident20 State Equiv. Code DescriptionVADIR #
Drugs Table Drugs State Equivalent Codes State Equivalent Code Description DRUGDrugs ALCOHOLAlcohol
Offense Actions Table Offense Actions State Equivalent Codes
Locations Table State Equivalent CodeDescription TRANSPORTOn School Transportation (Used for #1 of VADIR and counts as on school property) INSCHOOLIn School (On School Property) OUTSCHOOLOut of School (At a School Sponsored Function off School Grounds)
Weapons Table Weapons State Equivalent Codes State Equivalent CodesDescription HANDGUNHandgun RIFLERifle OTHEROther Firearms KNIVESKnives CHEMICALChemical/Biological Agents OTHERWEAPOther Weapons
Victim Type Table
Which fields in a discipline incident are used to populate the VADIR and DASA form
Offender Detail Actions Tab
Offender Detail Weapons Tab
Offender Detail Drugs Tab
Incident Detail Police Tab
Incident Detail Victims Tab
Unchecked = No Checked = Yes Before or after regular school hours. 4d on VADIR Form Number 6 on the VADIR Form Number 7 on the VADIR Form Number 4f on the VADIR Form Incident Detail District Defined Tab