Hub (IV catheter) Maintenance (or primary) solution TKO (KVO) rate Parenteral Mechanical gravity devices EID: electronic infusion device NAD: needleless access device NAP: needleless access port 1
Septicemia (CRSI) Fluid overload & pulmonary edema Catheter embolism Air embolism Speed shock 2
Phlebitis ◦ Mechanical or Chemical Infiltration/ Extravasation Local infection Hematoma/ecchymosis Thrombophlebitis Thrombosis (catheter) Venous spasm 3
4 Discontinue infusion at the first sign of phlebitis Notify physician Apply warm or cold compresses to affected site Notify infection control if part of agency policy
Infiltration Extravasation Inadvertent administration of a nonvesicant solution into surrounding tissues. The inadvertent administration of a visicant solution into surrounding tissue. 5
IOM report CDC & INS standards ◦ “follow your hospital policy” – Changing IV admin sets IV dressings ◦ How does this contribute to patient safety? 6
Change IV administration sets Dressing changes Changing NAP Cleanse access port with new alcohol swab for 15 seconds. 7
Easily converts to/from intermittent 3 types Capped, resealable diaphragm ◦ Blunt cannula split septum ◦ Luer access – neg. displacement ◦ Luer access – pos. displacement Negative pressure or positive pressure? ◦ Flushing technique is different!!! 8
Does it have a small extension tubing? ◦ Yes: only need alcohol swabs & NS ◦ No: prime extension tubing; get new dressing Gauze pads Chux pad Hemostats Normal Saline ◦ Bacteriostatic 0.9% vs Preservative-free 9
TSM = transparent semipermeable membrane ◦ Tegaderm is one brand out of many ◦ Change ________ Gauze dressing Procedure: 10
When: ◦ Leaking, infiltration, pain, phlebitis, Dr. order Supplies: gloves, 2x2 gauze, bandaid How: Phillips, Procedure 6-4 Greatest risk: catheter embolism 11
Power switch “enter” Numbers keyboard ◦ Set rate (in ml/hr) ◦ Set volume to be infused (VTBI) Check volume infused hold/run button 12
Run/hold indicator display screen alarms door to put in tubing Safety mechanism when door shut Visual -battery, or electrical power. AlarmCause 13
Upstream occlusion Downstream: Air Infusion complete Door/cassette open Low battery Error code _____ 14
INS standard: “…shall be legible, accessible to qualified personnel, and readily retrievable. The protocol for documentation should be established in organizational policies and procedures.” “Shall reflect continuity, quality & safety of care” INS standards,
Patient/family participation Site condition & appearance ◦ Does facility have standardized assessment scales? ◦ Dressing, type of stabilization, pain Type of therapy: drug, dose, rate Daily assessment of need for VAD 16
Multiple sites or lumens: what is infusing where Discontinuation of therapy patient tolerance ◦ “tolerated well”: NO, NO, NO NO ◦ What are assessments that you made to come to that conclusion? (C. Madsen) 17