A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener By: Miss Jordan’s Kindergarten Class
Morning Check-in We have many responsibilities when we first arrive to school. This gives us time to prepare for our day. Look who is unpacking.
Morning Check-in Where’s my homework folder? What kinds of yummy things has mom packed for me?
Morning Check-in Time to turn in my homework folder.
Morning Check-in Next, we put our book bag and jacket in the closet.
Morning Check-in Time to start my day on green. Maybe I’ll even earn a few bees today!
Morning Check-in We practice writing our names every morning.
Morning Check-in Time to make a lunch choice. Is it pizza day yet?
Morning Check-in Next we answer the morning question. I can almost read the entire question without help!
Morning Meeting When everyone has unpacked, we come together for Morning Meeting. Miss Jordan is reading the schedule for today.
Reading Groups After Morning Meeting we go to our small reading groups.
Guidance On Friday mornings we have a special visitor, Mr. Levenson. He teaches us how to be a good friend to one another.
Computer Lab Next, we go to the computer lab. We LOVE starfall!
Snack Time Then we go back to the room to eat our morning snack. Look, Tre has some kale that we grew in our garden!
Math We play many different games during math time. Hmmmm, how many cubes are in my counting jar?
Recess Next, we go outside to recess.
Lunch Time to go through the lunch line.
Lunch Let’s sit down and dig in!
Lunch Time YUM!
Rest Time Time for a nap. We have lots of activities this afternoon!
Library Time On Monday afternoons we visit Ms. Lunsford in the library. She shares a story with us and lets us check out a book.
P.E. Time to get our wiggles out!
P.E. Time On Thursday afternoons, we visit Coach W. in the gym.
After so much excitement in one day, no wonder we are tired when we get home!
Dear Families, Thank-you for celebrating our technology project with us! Love, Miss Jordan’s Kindergarten