Lattice Technology New Product Feature Highlights October 2011 Product Release
Lattice3D Reporter. 5.0a
Lattice Technology, Inc. 3 [R-1] Windows Server 2008 Support Description: Support Windows Server bit / Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit (WOW64). October 2011
Lattice Technology, Inc. 4 [R-2] Microsoft Excel 2010 Support Description: Support Microsoft Excel October 2011
Lattice Technology, Inc. 5 [R-3] Support Optimized XVL File Description: Lattice3D Reporter can import XVL files which has been optimized in XVL Studio. October 2011 XVL Studio Options dialog XVL file is optimized when this check box is on.
Lattice Technology, Inc. 6 [R-4] Support Multiple Workbook Description: When Excel report is generated by Lattice3D Reporter Template, you can limit the number of worksheets in a document and divide the document into multiple workbooks. October 2011 Large Assembly Model When handling a large assembly model, hundreds of worksheets are created in a single document. Single Workbook Multiple Workbook By dividing the document into multiple workbooks, you can minimize the file size of each document. Template parameter: BOOK_SHEET_MAX Template OP
Lattice Technology, Inc. 7 [R-5] Snapshot Enhancement 1 Description: Color, transparency and markup are applied in snapshot. October 2011 Color Transparency Markup *Snapshots are created in XVL Studio applications.
8 [R-6] Snapshot Enhancement 2 Description: Process animation paths and text alerts are included in snapshot images. October 2011 *To include animation paths in snapshots, following template parameter must be set: SNAPSHOT_ _ _PROC_OPT = 1 Display path Display text alert Template OP
Lattice Technology, Inc. 9 [R-7] New Setting File Parameters 1/2 Description: Following parameters are added. October 2011 ParametersDescription VIEW_DIRECTION_TYPESpecifies the initial view direction. VIEW_INIT_ACTIVE_CAMERASpecifies whether to apply the valid camera to the initial viewpoint. VIEW_INIT_FITSpecifies whether to fit objects in a view area in the specified initial view direction. VIEW_CM_DM_CIRCLE_SCALESpecifies the ratio (0-1) of the leader line head shape (black circle) for dimension texts. VIEW_SHOW_PROFILE_SHELL_ATTRIBUTESpecifies whether to always show display attributes of profile line shells regardless of the reflection of shell display settings. VIEW_USER_AXIS_SCALESpecifies the size of the user coordinate axis shown in the 3D space. VIEW_DEFAULT_LIGHT_MODESpecifies the default light type.
Lattice Technology, Inc. 10 [R-7] New Setting File Parameters 2/2 October 2011 ParametersDescription FILE_EXT_MODESpecifies the data mode of cameras, layouts, snapshots and process resources. OFFICE_SNAPSHOT_CONFIRMSpecifies whether to show the message for confirmation upon snapshot creation or modification. PROCESS_ANIM_ALERT_INTERVALSpecifies the interval for alert highlight display. PROCESS_ANIM_ALERT_PART_COLORSpecifies the color of the pick target part for alert highlight display. PROFILE_DISPLAY_TYPESpecifies the method for showing cross-sections. *See “Lattice3D Reporter Start-up Options Manual” for more detail.
Lattice Technology, Inc. 11 Questions? E. T F W. October 2011