Islam Notes 1.3 billion members worldwide Prayers are given on Friday at Mosques Mecca, holy city in Saudi Arabia, home to the Kaaba Stone Symbol: the star stands for knowledge and light, the crescent for progress Islam literally means “achieve peace by submitting to the will of God”
Islam, continued Allah – Arabic word for “one God” ; is their creator and sustainer Muslim – Arabic word for “one who submits to the will of God.” You become this by declaring that there is no God except the one true God and Muhammad is his messenger.
Who is Muhammad? Muhammad – born a noble, ancestry goes back to Abraham. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad and these revelations were compiled to form the Koran. Muslims don’t worship him or other prophets. He was the last in a long line of prophets. (That included Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Jesus, then Muhammad). Koran – a holy book developed from the laws given to Muhammad.
Islam, major beliefs Monotheistic Believe that… Jesus was a prophet, born a virgin birth, capable of miracles There is a heaven and a hell Salvation Prayer Modest dress
Islam, major beliefs Islam outlaws: Use of drugs and alcohol Gambling Lewd behavior Racism Eating pork Abortion Homosexuality Suicide/euthanasia
Islam, continued Do NOT believe in the crucifixion and the resurrection!
5 Pillars of Faith Profess belief in one God, with Muhammad as his messenger Pray 5x daily w/ body turned toward Mecca Fast during Ramadan (holy month from sun up to sun down) Give alms to the poor Pilgrimage to Mecca sometime during their life.
What is a Jihad? Arabic word for “struggle” or striving to promote the causes of Allah. Can be a day to day struggle to achieve the five pillars OR could mean to take up arms to defend a Muslim country when Islam is attacked (holy war).