Texas Heart and Stroke Prevention System Partnership Steering Committee Meeting October 29, 2008
THSPS Partnership Meeting Objectives Gain consensus for a partnership building framework – Coalition Action Theory Gain consensus for a partnership building framework – Coalition Action Theory Gain consensus for implementing the Texas Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 2008 Gain consensus for implementing the Texas Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke 2008 Identify Partnership structures and processes that will facilitate Plan implementation Identify Partnership structures and processes that will facilitate Plan implementation
Introductions Tell us who you are, where you are from, and with what organization you are affiliated. Give one reason why participation in the Partnership is important to you/your organization. Give your card to Jane before you leave. Please check your information on the Partnership Steering Committee Roster for accuracy. Give corrections to Jane.
Making a Commitment We are diverse in our organizational affiliations We are diverse in our organizational affiliations We are diverse in our priorities We are diverse in our priorities We bring different skills and expertise to the table We bring different skills and expertise to the table We represent different populations We represent different populations We have local, regional, state, and national perspectives We have local, regional, state, and national perspectives We provide an array of services for Texans We provide an array of services for Texans We find common ground in implementing the Texas Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Working together we WILL make a difference
May 2008 State Plan Partnership Meeting 63 Participants attended the meeting 63 Participants attended the meeting 38 Organizations were represented 38 Organizations were represented Goals, Objectives, and Strategies were identified for the 2008 state plan. Goals, Objectives, and Strategies were identified for the 2008 state plan. Four objectives were selected by the group for Partnership action Four objectives were selected by the group for Partnership action
Goal I : Texans will experience improved cardiovascular health and quality of life through the Prevention of Risk Factors Objective 1: Increase the proportion of adults who engage regularly, preferably daily, in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day (HP 2010). Objective 1: Increase the proportion of adults who engage regularly, preferably daily, in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes per day (HP 2010).
Goal II: Texans will experience improved cardiovascular health and quality of life through the Detection and Treatment of Risk Factors Objective 3: Increase the proportion of adults with high blood pressure who are taking at least two actions (for example: losing weight, participating in physical activity, reducing sodium intake, taking medications as prescribed) (HP 2010). Objective 3: Increase the proportion of adults with high blood pressure who are taking at least two actions (for example: losing weight, participating in physical activity, reducing sodium intake, taking medications as prescribed) (HP 2010).
Goal III: Texans will experience improved cardiovascular health and quality of life through the Early Detection and Treatment of Heart Attack and Stroke Objective 3: Increase the proportion of adults who are aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of heart attack; stroke; and the importance of calling 911 if a heart attack or stroke is suspected (HP 2010). Objective 3: Increase the proportion of adults who are aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of heart attack; stroke; and the importance of calling 911 if a heart attack or stroke is suspected (HP 2010).
Goal IV: Texans will experience improved cardiovascular health and quality of life through the Prevention of Recurrent Events Objective 1: Increase utilization of appropriate therapeutic interventions and application of clinical practice guidelines for treating patients with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Objective 1: Increase utilization of appropriate therapeutic interventions and application of clinical practice guidelines for treating patients with cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Partnership Structure, Operations, and Processes% Agree The Partnership’s organizational structure supports the achievement of its goals. (Steering Committee/Goal Workgroups) 88 The Partnership’s structure enables the Partnership to work collaboratively to implement the Texas Plan to Reduce Heart Disease and Stroke. 85 The Steering Committee structure contributes to the effectiveness of the Partnership. 82 The Steering Committee provides leadership for the Partnership’s work. 88 The current Partnership Goal Workgroup structure facilitates progress in achieving Partnership objectives. 88 The Goal Workgroups should work to advance heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas. 94 Communications to Partnership members have been timely. 82 I have a clear understanding of the Partnership's purpose. 88 My “home” organization has benefited from my participation in the Texas Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Partnership. 83 The Texas State Plan to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke provides a useful tool to guide heart disease and stroke prevention and control activities in Texas. 88 Partnership priorities will advance heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas. 91
Partnership Structure, Operations, and Processes% Agree The Partnership’s decision-making methods enable the Partnership to move forward effectively. 76 The Partnership’s support staff appropriately implements recommended activities. 79 My role and responsibilities as a Partnership partner are clear to me. 71 Partnership membership adequately represents diverse heart disease and stroke stakeholders in Texas. 76 The Partnership has the information it needs to prioritize heart disease and stroke prevention and control activities. 68
Partnership Activities % Agree The Partnership has identified gaps in the heart disease and stroke public health system in Texas. 91 Progress has been made in prioritizing heart disease and stroke activities within the Partnership. 88 The Partnership has enhanced the sharing of information about heart disease and stroke prevention and control activities. 85 Partnership policy initiatives could improve heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas. 94 Goal workgroup activity has contributed to development of the revised Texas State Plan to Reduce Heart Disease and Stroke. 88 The Partnership is likely to increase efficient use of heart disease and stroke resources in Texas. 88
Partnership Activities% Agree Don't Know The Partnership has begun to improve coordination of statewide heart disease and stroke prevention and control activities in Texas. 76 The Partnership is addressing the disparity in heart disease and stroke services in Texas. 79 The Partnership has built new or improved on existing partnerships among Texans involved in heart disease and stroke prevention and control The Partnership has provided technical assistance to local community heart disease and stroke planning groups Partnership activities have enhanced better sharing of heart disease and stroke data in Texas The Partnership has increased public support for heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas The Partnership section of the Cardiovascular Health and Wellness website adequately supports communication of Partnership news and information. 47
Moving the Partnership Forward % Agree Disagree Don't Know A comprehensive heart disease and stroke prevention and control partnership should continue in Texas – with or without funding for travel. 94 My organization would be willing to support my travel expenses to future Partnership meetings I would be willing to encourage my organization to make in-kind contributions to activities promoted by the Partnership I would be willing to encourage my organization to make a financial contribution to activities promoted by the Partnership The Partnership should move forward with a more formal structure (eg. A Coalition with operating principles and leaders who are elected) A Partnership newsletter would improve member communication and dissemination of information 79
Convener/Lead Agency Activities% Agree Don't Know The DSHS Cardiovascular Health and Wellness Program is an appropriate convener/lead agency for coordinating the Partnership. 91 The Cardiovascular Health and Wellness Program has improved coordination of state heart disease and stroke prevention and control activities The DSHS Cardiovascular Health and Wellness Program provides useful information to promote comprehensive heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas. 82 The Texas Heart and Stroke Healthy City Recognition Program is advancing heart disease and stroke prevention and control in Texas. 82
May 2008 State Plan Partnership Meeting Outcomes Survey results revealed a high degree of satisfaction with the partnership to date and a desire to move the partnership from planning to action. Survey results revealed a high degree of satisfaction with the partnership to date and a desire to move the partnership from planning to action. Participants were generally in favor of creating a structure and processes that would enhance the group’s ability to move into implementation activities. Participants were generally in favor of creating a structure and processes that would enhance the group’s ability to move into implementation activities. There was group consensus for creating a Steering Committee that would propose a structure and processes. There was group consensus for creating a Steering Committee that would propose a structure and processes. The group was in agreement that the Department of State Health Services was an appropriate lead agency for the partnership. The group was in agreement that the Department of State Health Services was an appropriate lead agency for the partnership.
Partnership Interest Partnership Interest Survey ed to 199 stakeholders Partnership Interest Survey ed to 199 stakeholders 96 responses received to date 96 responses received to date 55 agreed to serve on Steering Committee 55 agreed to serve on Steering Committee 91 want electronic dissemination of information 91 want electronic dissemination of information 69 agreed to serve on Work Groups 69 agreed to serve on Work Groups
Partnership Building Framework Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) Authors: Butterfoss, F. and Kegler, M. Toward a comprehensive understanding of community coalitions. Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research, Authors: Butterfoss, F. and Kegler, M. Toward a comprehensive understanding of community coalitions. Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research, Model revised in 2007 Model revised in 2007
Lead Agency/Convener Group Department of State Health Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of State Health Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention American Heart Association American Heart Association Texas Medical Association Texas Medical Association Texas Association of Local Health Officials Texas Association of Local Health Officials Texas Medical Foundation Texas Medical Foundation Texas Public Health Association Texas Public Health Association
Partnership Process Decision Making Decision Making Consensus by those in the room Consensus by those in the room Anonymous ballets for elections Anonymous ballets for elections
Partnership Structure Steering Committee Steering Committee Decision making authority Decision making authority Characteristics – Diversity Characteristics – Diversity Size Size Meeting frequency Meeting frequency
Partnership Structure Leadership Leadership Steering Committee Steering Committee Elected offices Elected offices Chair/Co chairs Chair/Co chairs Chair elect Chair elect
Partnership Process Leadership Selection Process Leadership Selection Process Nominations/recruitment Nominations/recruitment Election Election Terms Terms
Partnership Structure Staffing Staffing Coordination of meetings Coordination of meetings Minutes Minutes Information dissemination Information dissemination Web site maintenance Web site maintenance
Partnership Structure Committees Committees 4 Goal Committees/Work Groups 4 Goal Committees/Work Groups Ad hoc committees Ad hoc committees Member recruitment Member recruitment Nominations (URGENT – meet soon) Nominations (URGENT – meet soon) Advocacy (URGENT – meet soon) Advocacy (URGENT – meet soon) Communication/dissemination Communication/dissemination Resources/funding Resources/funding Conference planning (URGENT – meet soon) Conference planning (URGENT – meet soon) Others? Others?
Partnership Members Historical partners Historical partners Inclusivity vs limited to specific stakeholder mix and number Inclusivity vs limited to specific stakeholder mix and number Characteristics – Diversity Characteristics – Diversity Member recruitment Member recruitment Member profile/application Member profile/application Member commitment – letter of support Member commitment – letter of support Disclosures Disclosures
Partnership Activities Spring 2009 Conference Spring 2009 Conference Planning committee volunteers Planning committee volunteers Proposed dates Proposed dates Proposed locations Proposed locations Intended audience Intended audience Speakers/topics Speakers/topics Training needs assessment Training needs assessment Goal Committee recommendations Goal Committee recommendations
Next Steps Second Steering Committee Meeting Second Steering Committee Meeting Proposed date – First week of December (needs to be face to face) Proposed date – First week of December (needs to be face to face) Proposed location Proposed location Identify our “Mission” Identify our “Mission” Elect leadership Elect leadership Goal Committees meet – continue action planning Goal Committees meet – continue action planning
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