Contents Transactional Analysis Types of transactional analysis Ego States Strokes Working Style
Transactional Analysis A method of understanding behavior in interpersonal dynamics. Provides helpful models for leadership styles. Used with organizational development. Used to help managers operate effectively within other cultures.
Transactional Analysis Basis The below are the three principles of Interaction: o Ego- Realistic Principle o Super-Ego- Ethical Principle o Id – Pleasure Principle
Ego States The three ego states are: o Parent: Critical parent – Behavior with evaluative responses Sympathetic parent – Behavior with reassuring responses o Child: Natural child – Behavior with probing responses Adapted child – Behavior with confronting responses o Adult: Behavior with experience
In other words: Parent is our 'Taught' concept of life Adult is our 'Thought' concept of life Child is our 'Felt' concept of life
Types of Transactions Complementary: Occurs when the sender of the message gets the intended response from the receiver. Result in more effective communication with fewer hurt feelings and arguments. P A C P A C
Crossed: Occurs when the sender of a message does not get the expected response from the receiver. Result in surprise, disappointment, and hurt feelings for the sender of the message. P A C P A C
Ulterior or Hidden: Occurs when the words seem to be coming from one ego state, but in reality the words or behaviors are coming from another. P A C P A C
Finding Ego States If you are critical, nurturing or using a lot of should, must etc. it must be coming from parent ego state. If you are rude and arrogant it must be an access to your adult ego state. If you are emotional, scared, etc. you must be in your child ego state.
Life Positions I’m OK — You’re not OKYou’re OKI’m not OK — Attitude toward Oneself Attitude toward Others Negative Positive Positive Negative
Strokes Defined as a “unit of human recognition”. A stroke can be a look, a nod, a smile, a spoken word, a touch. Any time one human being does something to recognize another human being, that is a stroke.
Types of Strokes INTERNAL: Self stimulation. EXTERNAL: Strokes from others. CONDITIONAL: The stroke is for something. UNCONDITIONAL: The stroke is for being you. FILTERED STROKES: “I see you have a new coat” can be changed / filtered to negative or positive strokes. STROKE VALUE: “I love you” will carry more energy say 10, whereas “Hi” may only carry say a value of 2.
Working Style Be Perfect Hurry Up Try Hard Be Strong Please Others
Transaction Analysis- Diagnosis Behavioral diagnosis Social diagnosis Historical diagnosis Phenomenological diagnosis
Stimuli/Response The initiator of the transaction is called the transactional stimulus. The response of the respondent is called transactional response. The transactional response become again the transactional stimulus for next transactional response and so on.
Time Structuring Rituals Pastime Activities Games Intimacy
Transaction Analysis - Contracting An explicit bilateral commitment to a well-defined course of action, which means that all parties need to agree Why they want to do something With whom What they are going to do By when Any fees, payment or exchanges there will be It needs to be measurable, manageable and motivational.
Bibliography Games People Play - Eric Berne pdfs/transactionalanalysis pdfs/transactionalanalysis › self/personal developmentself/personal development