CS210: Data Structures and Algorithms Course Guide Sarab Al Muhaideb Prince Sultan University, College for Women
Outline zCourse Description zCourse Objectives zCourse Resources zCourse Calendar zInstructor Location & Office Hours zCourse Policies zMajor Exams & Final Exam zOverall Assessment zHow to Study for Course
Course Description zCS 210 : Data Structures and Algorithms. zCredit Hours: 3. zPrerequisite: CS 102. zCourse Home Page: Visit to find course announcements, notes, important dates,assignments, grades and more.
Abstract Data Types ADT: is the study of classes of objects whose logical behavior is defined by a set of values and a set of operations.
Data Structures The term Data Structures refers to the study of data and how to present objects within a program; that is, the implementation of the structured relationships. We are now interested in the study of the abstract properties of classes of data objects in addition to how the objects might be represented in a program.
Course Objectives It is well known that data structures have a profound effect on the performance of programs and applications. The main purpose of this course is to introduce the main types of data structures and illustrate their use throughout simple examples and applications. In the process, some guidelines and principles for good programming and application development are given.
Course Resources zTextbook: zAdditional References: 1.C++ Plus Data Structures, by Nell Dale and David Teague, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Problem Solving with C++, The Object of Programming, by Walter Savitch, Addison Wesley, Data Structures and Program Design in C++, by R. Kruse and A. Ryba, Prentice Hall, 1999 ADT, Data Structures and Problem Solving with C++, 2nd Edition. By Larry Nyhoff, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Course Calendar zMajor I Exam: Tuesday October 30, 2007 [11:00-12:30]. zMajor II Exam: Tuesday December 11, 2007 [11:00-12:30]. zQuizzes: yQuiz 1: Tuesday September 25, yQuiz 2: Tuesday October 23, yQuiz 3: Tuesday November 20, zFinal Exam: During the period January, 2008.
Instructor Location & Office Hours zMrs. Sarab Almuhaideb. yOffice: W357 yPhone: Ext.# 711 y zOffice Hours: SAT, MON10:00 – 10:50, TUES 12:00 – 12:50, (or by appointment)
Course Policies 1.Students must regularly come to class to participate in class activities and discussions. 2.If a student was absent in any lecture, then she is expected to read the lecture material and is welcomed for any specific question she may has. 3.There will be weekly tutorial problems as well as bi-weekly programming projects. 4.Students are encouraged to solve the tutorial problems before we do them together in class, but are NOT required to submit their solutions. 5.This course adopts the drop-the-lowest policy for assignments and quizzes.
1.10% of your grade will be assigned to PROGRAMMING projects. 2.Homework assignments must be done individually( or in pairs as stated in the project’s requirements). 3.We do not expect to see two programming projects that look identical. In this case, BOTH projects will be rejected. 4.Please note the due date for your programming project. 5.Late projects will be grade-penalizes or might not be accepted at all. 6.All source files must be compiled and fully tested by the student before submission. 7.A program that does not compile is not accepted for any reason. 8.Also, a program with no output is not accepted. 9.A program must be submitted in both electronic copy (the.cpp file) and hard copy. 10.Make sure the floppy is labeled with your name and the assignment number. Course Policies (Assignments/Quizzes)
Major Exam (20%)/ Final Exam (35%) zEach Major Exam is worth 20%. zEach Major Exam will include at least four chapters. Details will be announced in the course website. zNo Make-Exams. zFinal exam is worth 40%. The final exam will be cumulative.
Overall Assessment
How to Study for this Course zLectures: Attend, Listen and Participate. zTutorials: Prepare, Participate. zProjects: Give enough time, Work hard, Seek help, and Submit. zRead the chapter after the lecture. zTry to do most of the Review Questions in each chapter. zThink Critically – ask questions, make notes, and reflect on material.