Aspect-Oriented Software Development Prof. Awais Rashid and Dr. Steffen Zschaler C41/C30 Infolab21 {marash | Computing Department
Contacting the Lecturers… Dr. Steffen Zschaler InfoLab 21 - Room: C30 Prof. Awais Rashid InfoLab 21 - Room: C41
Other Course Lecturers and Lab Supervisors Guest Lecture: Dr. Phil Greenwood Lab co-ordinator Mr. Syed Asad Ali Naqvi
Preliminaries Course Website – Who’s who - introduction to the group –Name –Your background Which degree? Institution? –Experience with Java Academic course? Real software projects? –Why have you registered for this module? Special interest in a specific AOSD topic?
Course Structure AOSD MSc Course Week Layout Note: AspectJ is taught in hands-on sessions in the MSc Lab. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 09:00-10:00 Lecture: Introduction to AOSD Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Reading for Group Work 2 Group Reading for Group Work 3 Lecture: Aspect- Oriented Requirements Engineering 10:00-11:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Reading for Group Work 2 Group Reading for Group Work 3 Lecture: Aspect- Oriented Requirements Engineering 11:00-12:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Work 1: AspectJ Evaluation Group Reading for Group Work 2 Group Reading for Group Work 3 Lecture: Aspect- Oriented Design and UML 12:00-13:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Work 1: AspectJ Evaluation Lunch Group Reading for Group Work 3 Lunch 13:00-14:00Lunch Group Work 2: Obliviousness Debate Lunch Lecture: Aspect- Oriented Design and UML 14:00-15:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Reading for Group Work 2 Group Work 2: Obliviousness Debate Group Reading for Group Work 3 Group Work 4: Analysis and Design Exercise 15:00-16:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Reading for Group Work 2 Guest Lecture: The Impact of Aspects on Design Stability Group Work 3: Presentations Group Work 4: Analysis and Design Exercise 16:00-17:00 Lecture/Hands -on: AspectJ Group Reading for Group Work 2 Lecture: AOSD in Practice Group Work 3: Presentations Group Work 4: Analysis and Design Exercise 17:00-18:00 Group Reading for Group Work 2 Group Reading for Group Work 3
Assessment: Group Work 1 AspectJ Evaluation –(Tuesday 11:00-13:00): 6% –You will be divided into two groups (see web site)
Assessment: Group Work 2 Debate on the role of obliviousness in AOSD (Group debate: three groups, see web site): 8% –All members of a group are expected to speak –30 minutes presentation for each group Group 1 should take a balanced position i.e. obliviousness is useful in some cases and harmful in others Group 2 should take a pro position i.e. obliviousness is good Group 3 should take an opponent position i.e. obliviousness is bad
Assessment: Group Work 3 Comparing other AOP techniques with AspectJ (Group presnetation: three groups, see web site): 8% –All members of a group are expected to speak –30 minutes presentation for each group Each group should compare the technique they read about with AspectJ –Compare strengths and shortcomings
Assessment: Group Work 4 AO analysis and design exercise: 8%
Assessment: Individual Work Individual Project (Handed in 12:00 noon 20 April 2009): 70% –criteria: design creativity elegant use of AOP mechanisms code complexity design documentation and rationale
Groups Group 1 –Fisher, Matthew –Gray, Matthew –Parsons, Colin Group 2 –Gall, Martin –Molineux, Andrew –Potts, Matt Group 3 –Gerrard-Longworth, Simon –Ndou, Goodchild –Smith, James Group 1 –Fisher, Matthew –Gall, Martin –Gerrard-Longworth, Simon –Gray, Matthew Group 2 –Molineux, Andrew –Ndou, Goodchild –Parsons, Colin –Potts, Matt –Smith, James
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, you will have: an understanding of the challenges faced when handling crosscutting concerns during software development; knowledge of state-of-the-art in AOSD rooted in case studies and applications; practical experience of developing software using AOSD tools and techniques.
What is expected from… … YOU: –give your best in the hands-on exercises today –interact with us when a concept wasn’t clear –share and contribute to the group with your thoughts –take this course seriously commit to the deadlines reflect critically about the benefits and drawbacks of AOSD
Recommended Texts (Essential) Aspect-Oriented Software Development R. Filman, T. Elrad, S. Clarke, M. Aksit Addison Wesley 2004 ISBN: Eclipse AspectJ: Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ and the Eclipse AspectJ Development Tools A. Colyer, A. Clement, G. Harley, M. Webster Addison Wesley 2004 ISBN:
Recommended Reading (Additional) AspectJ in Action - Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming R. Laddad Manning Publications Inc ISBN: Aspect-Oriented Databases A. Rashid Springer-Verlag 2003 ISBN: Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use Cases P.-W. Ng and I. Jacobson Addison Wesley 2005 ISBN: