Course Outline SQL queries DML Select (SELECT) DDL (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) DML Action (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) User authentication Data modeling and normalization Transaction processing Stored DBMS programs Scaling and performance Distributed databases
Why Study Database Systems? Important The back end of many important systems Web-based e-commerce (e.g., Scientific sites (e.g. protein sequences) Real-time systems (e.g. air-traffic control) Business systems (e.g. banking) Good job experience Many jobs require database systems experience Oracle DBAs hired at >$80K, often make >$100K A lot of data out there Facebook – over 100 petabytes Amazon – over 90 pb Google processes over 20pb per day AT&T (323 TB, 2010) World Data Center for Climate (6+ PB, 2010)
Why Study Database Systems? As it relates to UWEC courses CS268 Use SQL and JDBC CS355 & CS485 (SE I and II) Project(s) might use databases Any CS course might use a database!
Overview Data management Database system architectures Database vocabulary & history
Data Management "Real" computer applications tend to have: Large volumes of data Different types of data Data with complex relationships
“Old” Approach to Data Management File-based Decentralized Each application has its own data files Data File 1 Application 1 Application 2 Data File 2
Problems with file based approach? Duplicate data Redundant data Becomes inconsistent over time Requires custom programs to create, update, and retrieve data from files Transaction atomicity Concurrent access issues Security
DBMS Approach to Data Management Data is viewed as a shared organizational resource Centralized All applications interact with a single centralized database Database Application 1 Application 2
What is a Database? Components Data files Database Management System (DBMS) Data Files DBMS Application 1 Application 2 Database
What is the DBMS? Set of programs that perform… Basic data handling tasks Insert, Update, Delete, Retrieve Creating atomic transactions Enabling/disabling concurrency Database administration tasks Creating users, creating objects, enforcing security, creating backups, … Applications interact only with the DBMS Never interact directly with the data files Major players today: Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL
Overview Data management Database system architectures Database vocabulary & history
Database System Architectures Single-tier 2-tier N-tier
Single-Tier Databases Personal computer-based Applications and database run on the same local computer Example: Access, Filemaker What are the limitations? Database Applications Host Computer (microcomputer)
Single-Tier Databases Mainframe-based (host) Applications & database run on the same host computer Mainly used in legacy systems Database Applications Host Computer Terminals Network
2-Tier (Client/Server) DBMS runs on a server Client applications run on the clients Example: Oracle (server) + SQL Developer (client) Client Workstations Database Applications Database Applications Database Applications Database Database Server Network
N-Tier Database Systems N-tier system places each service type on a different host Database Client Workstations (Browser) User Services User Services User Services Database Server Business Services Middle-tier Server(s) (Web server)
Overview Data management Database system architectures Database vocabulary & history
Basic Database Vocabulary Field: column of similar data values Record*: row of related fields Table*: set of related rows PROD_ID PROD_DESCPROD_COSTPROD_PRICE 1Celestial Cashew Crunch7.45$ 10.00$ 2Unbrittle Peanut Paradise5.75$ 9.00$ 3Mystery Melange7.75$ 10.50$ 4Millionaire’s Macadamia Mix12.50$ 16.00$ 5Nuts Not Nachos6.25$ 9.50$ Mathematical terms for record and table: tuple and relation
Database History All pre-1960’s systems used file-based data First database: Apollo project Goal: No duplicate data in multiple locations Used a hierarchical structure Created relationships using pointers Pointer: hardware address
Example Hierarchical Database Student ID Student LastName Student FirstName Student MI Pointers to Course Data* 5000NelsonAmberS 5001HernandezJosephP 5002MyersStephenR UNIVERSITY_STUDENT CourseIDCourse Name Course Title 100MIS 290Intro. to Database Applications 101MIS 304Fundamentals of Business Programming 102MIS 310Systems Analysis & Design UNIVERSITY_COURSE * Hex number referencing data’s physical location on hard drive
Problems with Hierarchical Databases Relationships are all one-way; to go the other way, you must create a new set of pointers Pointers are hardware-specific VERY hard to move to new hardware Applications must be custom-written Usually in COBOL
Relational Databases Circa 1972 E.J. Codd “Normalizing” relations Goal: No redundant data Stores data in a tabular format Creates relationships by sharing key fields
Key Fields Primary key: field that uniquely identifies a record Often abbreviated “PK” InstructorIDInstructor LastName Instructor FirstName 1BlackGreg 2McIntyreKaren 3SarinNaj UNIVERSITY_INSTRUCTOR Primary keys
Class Discussion What is the primary key of each table in the CANDY database? How can you tell if a field is a primary key?
Special Types of Primary Keys Composite PK: made by combining 2 or more fields to create a unique identifier Consider the CANDY_PURCHASE table… Surrogate PK: ID generated by the DBMS solely as a unique identifier (not done in above example, but likely in CANDY_CUSTOMER and CANDY_PRODUCT) Composite PK
Key Fields (continued) Foreign key Field that is a primary key in another table Serves to create a relationship StudentIDStudent LastName Student FirstName StudentMIAdvisorID 5000NelsonAmberS1 5001HernandezJosephP1 5002MyersStephenR3 UNIVERSITY_STUDENT Foreign keys InstructorIDInstructor LastName Instructor FirstName 1BlackGreg 2McIntyreKaren 3SarinNaj UNIVERSITY_INSTRUCTOR Primary keys
Alternative to Foreign Keys Repeat data values for every record Problems Takes extra space Redundant data becomes inconsistent over time StudentIDStudent LastName Student FirstName StudentMIAdvisorLast Name AdvisorFirst Name 5000NelsonAmberSBlackGreg 5001HernandezJosephPBlackGregory 5002MyersStephenRSarinNaj UNIVERSITY_STUDENT
Class Discussion What are the foreign keys in the CANDY database? Does a table HAVE to have foreign keys? How can you tell if a field is a foreign key?
Rules for Relational Database Tables Every record has to have a non-NULL (or “non- empty”) and unique PK value Every FK value must be defined as a PK in its parent table