CONTENT NEED TO KNOWS 1. What are earthquakes? -Earthquakes form when two tectonic plates are sliding past each other. At some points they get stuck, and over time, pressure builds up. Then they suddenly release the accumulated energy, releasing seismic waves, and creating an earthquake. 2. What are volcanoes? -Volcanoes form when magma in the mantle of the earth flowing through convection currents reaches a plate boundary in the lithosphere. The magma rises through the opening, turning into lava once it reaches the surface. The lava erupts, creating a volcanic eruption. 3. What are seismic waves? -Seismic waves are energy released from an earthquake. There are two kinds. ·Body waves are divided into two categories: p and s waves. P-waves are the first to hit, and they expand and compress the earth. These move through any material. S-waves are slower, and move the earth left, right, up, and down. These only move through solids. 4. What are plate tectonics? -Tectonic plates are the plates that are beneath the crust of the earth, in a layer called the lithosphere. There are many of them beneath the crust. There are different kinds of boundaries beneath the crust of the earth. ·Divergent boundaries are plates moving away from each other. ·Convergent boundaries are plates moving toward each other. ·Transform boundaries are plates moving past each other. 5. What is the epicenter and focus of an earthquake? -The focus of an earthquake is the underground point where an earthquake forms. The intersection of a parallel line from the focus of an earthquake to the surface of the earth creates and intersection between the two, also known as the epicenter. This point can be determined by three seismographs using the information they collected from the earthquake.
ROLE NEED TO KNOWS 1. What will citizens do during an earthquake? -Using rappelling systems, the citizens can slide out of widows, and down the side of buildings from second and higher floors. This is a quick way to evacuate in time of the earthquake. 2. What will citizens do during a volcanic eruption? -During a volcanic eruption, the citizens will need to stay far away from windows, for lava can spray onto the windows, and warm them to a very high temperature. Outside wall would also be preferably avoided. 3. How will citizens be alerted from different buildings or facilities of an upcoming natural disaster? -Once seismographs start to pick up seismic waves that have not been constantly occurring, a loud siren will be sent throughout the city clarifying that an earthquake will soon be taking place and everyone will need to evacuate. In addition to the siren, a warning will be sent to each hotel, house, indoor athletic facility, restaurant, outdoor athletic field, and any other building. 4. What position will citizens take during a disaster when outside? -Citizens will get into a tornado safety position during a disaster. They will get down on their knees, bend over by laying their chest to their knees, and will put their hands on top of their heads to protect it from any falling debris. 5. What will citizens do after a natural disaster? -Decided by the government, citizens that have had their homes destroyed by a natural disaster will first go to the closest hospital weather in or out of the city, and have any injuries treated with no charge. Then they will be sent to the nearest hotel, and will be charged for the stay. They will continue to live in the hotel if they do not have insurance, but will leave as soon as their house is rebuilt is they do have it.
STEPS TO EVACUATE FROM BUILDINGS 1.retrieve rappelling gear from a square compartment in ceiling 2.strap the harness around your legs 3.attach a screwgate to your harness, and the hook on the end of the metallic rope 4.slide the other end of the metallic rope through the hook on the windowsill and down the side of the building until there is no more rope left 5.on the hook of the windowsill, fold the rope in half, and keep about a foot of it in your hand 6.attach the elevation controller to both parts of the rope and make sure that the half with the handle is connected to the part of the rope that extends to the bottom of the building 7.slide over the edge of the window and turn the handle of the elevation controller clockwise to go down(if the machine is in front of the handle, it is counterclockwise) 8.when you have reached the bottom, find the side of rope with the half of the elevation controller that has the handle, and pull it down until the elevation controller has reached the window for the next person(get away from building) Handle Pull EARTHQUAKES, FIRES(EVACUATION BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER A DISASTER FROM BUILDINGS)
EARTHQUAKES, FIRES(SAFETY PROCEDURES BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER A DISASTER FROM OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FIELDS STEPS TO EVACUATE FROM OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. sprint down to the field from the stands 2. if safely possible, escape from the stadium, but otherwise, crowd in the middle of the field to stay away from collapsing stands 3. take a tornado safety position to protect your body from falling objects a) Lay your lower legsto the ground b) Sit on your feet c) Lay your chest to your knees d) Cover your head with your arms
VOLCANOES, TORNADOES, LIGHTNING(EVACUATION BEFORE OR DURING A DISASTER FROM BUILDINGS) STEPS TO TAKE COVER IN BUILDINGS 1. find the emergency hook on top of all windows in room 2. pull it down, along with the metallic panel, and hook it to the hook on the windowsill 3. crouch down in a tornado position at the farthest point in the room from the windows, and outside walls a) lay your lower legs to the ground b) sit on your feet c) lay your chest to your knees d) cover your head with your arms
VOLCANOES, TORNADOES, LIGHNING(EVACUATION BEFORE OR DURING A DISASTER AT OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FIELDS) STEPS TO TAKE COVER AT OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FIELDS 1.stand up and put all of your possessions on the bleacher 2.crawl under the bleacher 3.get in tornado safety position a)lay your lower legs to the ground b)sit on your feet c)lay your chest to your knees d)cover your head with your arms
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