Wednesday – April 22, 2015 Mr. Lombardi Do Now: Analyze the following quote: “A picture is worth a thousand words” Aim: How do political cartoons convey a message? Countdown to the GLOBAL HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY Regents Classes left:Days left: 3558
HW/Project Create your own original political cartoon. The topic of the cartoon can be related to any topic that we have covered in Global History & Geography. Topics that you may wish to consider: – The Neolithic Revolution, The Fall of Rome, The Protestant Reformation, The Renaissance, The Age of Exploration (colonialism, the African Slave Trade, etc.), Absolutism, The French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, imperialism, causes of WWI, The Russian Revolution, rise of Fascism, WWII, atomic bomb controversy, tensions during the Cold War, etc. You are not limited to these suggestions! However, if you choose a topic that is not listed above, please see me for approval. You must include an explanation which provides the analysis of your cartoon. Due: Tuesday, April 28.
Vocabulary 1.Analyze: Examining closely and determining the facts, the meaning, the process, etc. 2.Symbolism: Using an object to stand for an idea. 3.Exaggeration: Overstating or magnifying a problem or a physical feature or habit: big nose, bushy eyebrows, large ears, baldness. 4.Irony: The difference between the way things are and the way things should be or the way things are expected to be. 5.Labeling: The words or phrases used by the cartoonist to label objects or people within the cartoon. 6.Analogy: A comparison between two unlike things that share some characteristics.
Cartoon 1: Imperialism 1.What message is the artist trying to convey? 2.How is the cartoon successful in conveying that message?
Cartoon 2: The Cold War 1.What message is the artist trying to convey? 2.How is the cartoon successful in conveying that message?
Activity 1.Create a draft of your own political cartoon (in your notebook) based on ANY topic in Global History. 2.Your final version of the cartoon (and explanation) must be completed on the accompanying handout. 3.Put the date on the handout as “May 11”.