What is a mutation? Adult education activity
Definition of a Mutation Any change in genetic material.
What do we do if there is a change? Some changes are responsible for causing disease, but it is necessary to have some changes to have variation in the population Examples: flowers, kittens, finch beaks, noses and ears, and freckles
How does our genetic material change? Mutations may happen in big or little chunks through rearrangements, additions, or subtractions of material
How many genes do this? Any gene has the potential to mutate Can happen anywhere Only mutations that happen in the sperm or eggs may be passed on to yourchildren Most mutations don ’ t change your body ’ s function, these are called silent mutations
What kinds of mutations are there? Point mutations – simplest change, one nucleotide is exchanged for another Mis-sense mutations – changes the triplet codon making a different amino acid appear Frameshift – one or two nucleotides are inserted or deleted which changes all codons beyond that point Nonsense – an early “ stop ” codon is made Regulatory – change in a sequence important to make proteins
Quiz Time!
Question 1 A mutation may happen in any gene. TRUE OR FALSE?
Question 1 Answer If you answered True then….you are CORRECT!
Question 2 1)Which of these is NOT a type of mutation. a) Point mutation b) Flyaway mutation c) Frameshift mutation d) Nonsense mutation
Question 2 Answer If you answered B….you are CORRECT!
What causes a mutation? Copy mistakes Mutations are a natural part of the cellular process reproduction. The cell has tools that catch and repair 99.9% of mutations. Other factors may cause extra mutations to occur or damage the “ catch and repair ” mechanism Some mutations are the second hit to a cell, for example freckles have a mutation already and another mutation makes the cell potentially cancerous
What are the other factors? These factors may include: radiation, chemical exposures, UV light (sunlight)
How do I stop this? We are all mutants. The best way to prevent excessive and dangerous mutations is to avoid prolonged UV light from the sun (use sunblock), avoid pesticides and other mutagens, and limit radiation levels to federally acceptable levels.
Quiz Time!
Question 1 1) Which of the following may cause mutations? a)Coffee b)UV light (sun light) c)Hair gel d)Vaccines
Question 1 Answer If you answered B….you are CORRECT!
Question 2 2) Most mutations are caught and repaired in the cell. TRUE or FALSE?
Question 2 Answer If you answered True….you are CORRECT!
Question 3 3) What is a mutation? a) Any change in genetic material b) When the sun is directly behind the moon c) A small green and black frog from Brazil d) A way the body kills invading cells
Question 3 Answer If you answered A then you are….CORRECT!
LEARN MORE You may use these sites to learn more about mutations, genetics, genomics, and DNA – – P/default.htmhttp:// P/default.htm
Picture References sues/fall2004/genome.htmhttp://technolog.it.umn.edu/technolog/is sues/fall2004/genome.htm