Solar Energy By: Destiny Osborne Josh Nelson Jacob Smithburger Kayla Bradley Erica Thomas Sara Brown
How Does It Work? Solar panels have no moving parts. You just mount them out in the sun,hook up the wires, and collect power,without adding fuel or replacing worn-out parts.
How Does It Work? Solar energy refers to the utilization of radiant energy from the Sun Solar power is used interchangeably with solar energy,but refers more specifically to the conversion of sunlight into electricity by photovoltaics,concentrating solar thermal devices,or by an experimental technology such as a solar chimney or solar pond.
Solar Power Plants Solar power plants is electricity when the heat from the sun heats a fluid that produes steam which powers the generator. Out of 15 known solar electric generating units operating in the United States.
The cost of Solar Energy The cost of Solar Energy is about $18.00 after rebates and incentives. The price of traditional silicon based pannels is $3.66 per watt. Thin film PV is $1.81 per watt.
What are the good things about the cost of solar Solar Energy? A good thing about the cost is that it is fairly low. Also it will be decreasing by the year 2010.
Does Solar Energy Work well anywhere and all the time? Works well anywhere there is sunlight. Won't work at night. When it's snowing, cloudy, or raining Solar energy will not work well.
Solar Houses Are able to receive a lot of Solar Energy because of how the sun reflects off the roof. When it is raining or snowing Solar houses will not receive that much Solar Energy.
The Good and Bad things about Solar Energy. The good things about solar energy are: Solar power is pretty much free! You just need to buy the equipment. Solar power is a renewable resource so it can never run out. Solar power is the cleanest energy source you can find.
The good and bad things about Solar Energy The bad things about solar energy are: Solar power isn't available at night only in the day. Solar power's performance is affected by unpredictable weather patterns. Solar power works best in sunny places.
Who can use solar power? Anyone who lives in sunny places California,deserts
Where does solar power work best,south or northwestern region? by:Kayla Bradley If excellent solar resources are included,the southwestern solar generating power is potentially is nearly twice the current electric energy demand,but would only require 0.7%of the regions land. California and the desert regions