Section 1: The Renaissance in Italy The Renaissance and Reformation
I. Renaissance= “Rebirth” Period begun by Italy’s educated to recreate the culture of Greece and Rome.
II. Causes of the Renaissance End of Feudalism End of Plagues End of Riots Improvement in trade industry Improvement in livestock production Improvement in peasant life
III. Where did the Renaissance Begin? a. Began in the heart of Italy (Florence) because: i. Italy had been the center of the Roman Empire. ii. Religious center (Christianity- Pope of Rome) iii. Start of craft guilds (wool)
iv. Serfs were given more freedom v. Improvement in Bookkeeping Methods (Fibbonacci) vi. Development in urban centers. vii. Presence and success of middle class. viii. Humanistic philosophy or values.
IV. Humanism-philosophy which stressed: a. Self worth of the individual i. Portraits ii. Autobiographies iii. Artists wanted to be known for their creations
b. Love of Learning and the Arts i. Establishment of many universities ii. Funding of education by the Catholic Church and wealthy aristocrats. iii. Stressed Latin & Greek and development iv. Translated the Bible v. Taught less Bible and more Classic Literature
C. Enjoyment of Worldly Pleasures a. Fancy materials and luxuries b. Tasty foods c. Goods traded
V. Achievements a. Art i. Studied classical models 1. work reflected the realism & grace of ancient styles 2. experimented with new paints & techniques ii. Developed perspective- a method of painting that makes objects or scenes appear 3D.
3. artists a. Raphael b. Da Vinci c. Michelangelo d. women: i. Kept their work secret ii. Sofonisba Anguissola- court painter to King Philip II of Spain
b. Literature i. Topics ranged from religious to secular subjects 1. Miguel de Cervantes- Don Quixote 2. Shakespeare 3. Francesco Petrarch- Sonnets to Laura
C. Printing Press i. Johann Gutenberg- movable type ii press used to produce the first Bible printed by machine iii. Books no longer had to be copied by hand iv. Helped spread the new learning/people were literate
VI. Period of Great Discovery and Exploration a. Why Explore? i. New Technology- caravel, compass, astrolabe ii. Geography- Ptolemy iii. Self Confidence of the Renaissance
b. Effects of Exploration i. Map coast of Africa (west coast) ii. Two new continents discovered and explored iii. Magellan circumnavigated iv. Effects of the Exploration of the New World 1. Colonies in the New World 2. New foods