Fahrenheit 451 Pre-Reading Activity
Ray Bradbury “You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.”
Introduction Welcome to Fahrenheit 451! Our adventure begins by reading Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel warning of the dangers of censorship. Ironically, this novel has been banned and even edited since its original publication. We will embark on this journey by learning more about the history of censorship, book-banning, and even book-burning.
Task As you embark upon this journey, you’ll be gathering information associated with censorship. You will be responsible for collecting and presenting this information to your class in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation. You will also be submitting a written summary of what you learned and your personal position.
Process You will have three days to complete this assignment: Day One: Research Day Two: Create PPT Day Three: Present
Assessment You will be graded as follows: Topic Defined 10 pts At least three examples given 15 pts Summary of knowledge gained 10 pts Bibliography Included 5 pts TOTAL 40 pts