Aim: Beginning our Fahrenheit 451 Essay and Thesis Statement Do Now: A.Recall the elements of a thesis statement? B.Explain how a 3 point thesis different than a regular thesis statement.
Aim: Beginning our Fahrenheit 451 Essay and Thesis Statement LET’S GO OVER YOUR ESSAY TOPICS 1. Guy Montag undergoes a character transformation as the novel progresses. Trace Montag’s development from the beginning to the end of the novel. What begins the changes in Montag and how do they change him. Discuss the person that he is—his traits, beliefs, actions, conflicts, etc.—at the beginning, middle, and end of the novel. How do certain characters influence the actions he takes? Use specific instances from the text to support your theories. In what specific ways does he change and what spurs those changes? 2. Choose one character in the novel that you consider being a conformist (follower) and one character you consider to be a non- conformist (rebel). Compare and contrast the two characters you have chosen. Why would you describe the first character as a conformist? Why would you describe the second as a non-conformist? Use specific examples from the book to show how each character you have chosen is a conformist or non-conformist, then highlight the ways in which your characters are similar (compare) and/or different (contrast).
Aim: Beginning our Fahrenheit 451 Essay and Thesis Statement HOW TO WRITEI A THREE POINT THESIS STATEMENT Step 1 Determine the argument you will make in your essay or paper. For example, you might be making the argument that TomTom GPS navigators are better than Garmin GPS navigators. Step 2 Come up with three points that support your main argument. With a three-point thesis, you will need three supporting points. However, make sure you can back up those points with evidence. In the example provided, the three points could be that TomTom GPS navigators are cheaper, easier to use and have more features than Garmin devices. Remember, all of these points need to be backed up by factual evidence in your essay or paper. Step 3 Start out your thesis statement by stating your main argument. In the example, this would be "TomTom offers GPS navigators that are better for consumers than Garmin GPS navigators because..." Step 4 Add the three points to your three point thesis statement. A final three point thesis might look like, "TomTom offers GPS navigators that are better for consumers than Garmin GPS navigators because they tend to be less expensive, are more user friendly, and offer more features than similar Garmin GPS navigators."