Therapeutic Management Strategies Interactive Session #WELP03 Wednesday, August 16, :15 pm–5:45 pm IAS and IAS–USA Collaboration
Session Chairs Sharon Walmsley, MD University of Toronto Judith S. Currier, MD University of California Los Angeles
Chairs:Judith S. Currier, MD University of California Los Angeles, USA University of California Los Angeles, USA Sharon Walmsley, MD University of Toronto, Canada Faculty:Jens D. Lundgren, MD University of Copenhagen, Denmark Michael S. Saag, MD The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA Andrew Carr, MD University of New South Wales, Australia IAS/IAS–USA Interactive Session
4:20 pmAll Naive Patients Are Not Equal: When and How to Start HAART ( WELP0301 ) Jens D. Lundgren, MD 4:45 pmManagement of the Treatment Experienced Patient: Resistance is No Longer Futile (WELP0302) Michael S. Saag, MD 5:10 pmMaking Antiretroviral Therapy Forever (WELP0303) Andrew Carr, MD 5:35Discussions/Questions-and-Answers 5:45Session Close Therapeutic Management Strategies
What is your clinical/academic training or background? Please select ONE answer that best describes your current primary position. 1. Medical doctor 2. Nursing professional 3. Nurse practitioner 4.Public health professional 5.Physician assistant 6.Pharmacist 7.Health educator/ counselor 8.Industry employee (eg, pharmaceutical company) (eg, pharmaceutical company) 9. Other
What is the setting of your current work? Select ONE to indicate your primary setting. 1. Solo practice 2. Hospital-based 3. Managed care organization 4.Clinical research 5.Group practice 6.Clinics/sessional work 7.Laboratory research 8.Commercial company 9.Government 10.Other
Where are you from? 1. Europe 2. North America 3. Asia Pacific 4. Africa 5. Latin America 6. Australia 7. Other
Approximately how many HIV-infected patients do you currently manage? 1. None More than 500
How many years have you been involved in HIV patient care? 1. Not in patient care 2. Less than 1 year 3. 1 to 2 years 4. 3 to 5 years 5. 6 to 10 years to 15 years to 20 years 8. More than 20 years