CHS Emergency Evacuation Plan Faculty and Staff Overview
Good Afternoon
An Introduction to
The Big Picture: An evacuation drill is scheduled to take place either the beginning of next week, or during the week of May 4th. It will take place sequentially, wing by wing.
Issues and Concerns Individuals with special physical needs will go to a refuge area to be picked up and transported to the evacuation site. The refuge areas are as follows: Outside of the clinic by the lower gym. Outside of MCJROTC and the Auto Shop. Near the handicapped parking spot outside of the Media center entrance doors. At the East Wing Colfax corner of the South Wing. At the End of the Central Wing. At the Colfax side of the North Wing.
Overview of egress with tentative dates: East Wing on 4/26 or 5/3. South Wing on 4/27 or 5/4. Central Wing on 4/28 or 5/5. North Wing on 4/29 or 5/6. Miscellaneous areas on 4/30 or 5/7.
Your evacuation assignment is determined by your location at the time of the emergency. The evacuation locations are as follows: