NOAA officially recognized Saipan, CNMI as a new member of Storm/Ready and Tsunami/Ready community on August 20, The Emergency Management Office, CNMI Government will support the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) including the NTHMP/IOC/ITIC meetings, conferences and workshops as requested National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Plan and National Weather Service Tsunami/Ready Program Travel Off-Island EMO along with professional consultant will travel off-island to the Islands of Rota and Tinian throughout the year for outreach conferences and workshops EMO Planning Section and Professional Consultants will conduct intensive workshops, training and exercises for government, non-government sectors and the public on the national and the Territory Tsunami Programs Workshops and Printed Materials
Budget Summary 2008 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Report date as of 01/20/10, C8467E Cumulative Year toencumberFund Budget Date ExpensesBalance Professional $16, $16, Services Advertising$1, $1, $0.00 Travel $8, $8, Indirect cost$7, $7, Fuel & Lubrication$10, $1, $2,570.00$6, Office Supplies$2, $2, Operations Supplies$8, $5, $2, $1.00 Equipments under$4, $ $1,859.00$1, $5, Total $59, $7, $9, $43,249.00
Budget Summary 2009 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Report date as of 01/20/10, C9467E Cumulative Year toencumberFund Budget Date ExpensesBalance Professional $75,000.00$75, Services Advertising Travel $5, $5, Indirect cost$13,340.00$13, Fuel & Lubrication $7, $7, Equipments under$5,000.00$5, $5, Total $105, $105,340.00
Personnel Fringe Benefits Equipment $5,000 $35,000 $2,000 $5,000 $47,000 Travel $5,000 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $45,000 Contracts $75,000 $40,000 $20,000 $40,000 $175,000 Other Direct Costs $7,000 $28,000 $8,000 $29,500 $72,500 Total Direct Costs $92,000 $118,000 $40,000 $89,500 $339,500 Indirect Costs (14.5%) $13,340 $17,110 $5,800 $12,978 $49,228 TOTAL $105,340 $135,110 $45,800 $102,478 $388,728 Budget Summary
2008 ■ The Public School System (PSS) in conjunction with the Emergency Management Office, (EMO) has conducted the first ever Tsunami Evacuation Drill for the Schools at WSR Elementary school on Saipan. The evacuation assembly area for this school is 30 minutes away. ■ Tsunami Evacuation Route and Assembly Area signs are in place on southern part of the island ■ Issued tsunami outreach material, assess what is needed, brochures, The Great Wave, magnets, pamphlets and pens, look into new materials to begin preparing for September’s National Disaster Preparedness Month (DPM)
2009/2010 ■ Storm Ready/Tsunami Ready Advisory Board meeting to discuss the re-election of a new Chairperson for Saipan and begin pre- planning of Tsunami Program and development of an EOP for Tsunami Mass Care. ■Gather quotations, call the different vendors for the additional signage for Tsunami Evacuation/Staging signs ■EMO, in-house assessment of resources on what is available for a Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Project. Will work closely with EMO Seismic Section. ■ Issues tsunami outreach material, assess what is needed, brochures, The Great Wave, magnet, pamphlets, and pens, look into new material to begin preparing for September’s National Disaster Preparedness Month (DPM). ■Begin meeting with different stakeholders to form the DPM Committee, election of this year’s chairperson, pre-planning activities for DPM. ■ Begin advertising Invitation for Bids for vendors on Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Project
■ Have English version of Tsunami Evacuation Signs up by September, signage can be incorporated into September being National DPM, for all three islands, hold Storm Ready/Tsunami Ready Advisory Board meetings on all three islands, to discuss signage before posting. ■ Part of month long event, coordinate Tsunami Evacuation Drills with Public School System and distribute outreach material, brochures and pamphlets. Assess the number of sirens needed on Saipan as well, talley the numbers and begin looking into vendors that provide the equipment, sirens needed. Get quotations. ■Depending on results of bidding process, look to finalize who the contractor will be for the Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Project and route contract. ■Begin assessment of resources to develop and conduct a CNMI Tsunami Vulnerability Study ■ Follow-up with Rota and Tinian EMO Representatives on Tsunami Evacuation Signage project. Assess any additional signs that may need to be ordered.
Tsunami Wave Modeling: The Lidar Survey/Mapping of CNMI started in January 2007 and deliverables submitted to GHS/OCD after four (4) months. However due to some verification on data, deliverables was Dec This project will have a +/- 1 foot accuracy, will have a 200% islandwide coverage and bathymetric data for 40 meters below sea level on until laser extinction. As the lidar data becomes available, the CNMI OHS and CNMI EMO will work with PMEL and USACE for the development of Tsunami Wave Models for the island. The budget for this very important project is not determined as of the submission of this proposal and is not included herein.
Tsunami Evacuation Mapping, Islandwide: Tsunami Evacuation Maps at this time is not professionally developed for Saipan. EMO will contract a professional company to do the Tsunami Evacuation Mapping. It will be based on physical inspection, Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and the 30 feet threshold set by PTWC for the Pacific. As the Tsunami Wave Models are made available, the EMO will validate/revise the Tsunami Evacuation Maps for the entire island. These maps will be incorporated with the brochures and information materials that will be mass produced for distribution and also the EOP.
Tsunami Siren Warning System: Warning is up most important tool for any Tsunami. EMO intents to have a Siren Warning System assessment on the number of Siren needed for Saipan, CNMI. The assessment will be done following guidelines from NOAA and FEMA. Since this is considered a top priority project for Saipan and Tinian, the EMO will be requesting funding support from NTHMP for the procurement and installation of Siren Warning System for the island. Based on research of other communities, EMO estimated that this project will cost between 1.7 million to $2.1 million dollar for both islands
EMO and Storm/Ready and Tsunami/Ready Advisory Board will need to obtain additional signage for Tsunami Evacuation/Staging Sites, Tsunami Evacuation Routes, Tsunami Hazard Areas and corresponding interpretive signs for English
Evacuation Route exiting from San Antonio school Evacuation Route entering Koblerville Evacuation Route in front of KFC in Chalan Kanoa Koblerville Assembly area
San Roque Elementary School, evacuate up to San Roque Church area KNOW YOUR EVACUATION ROUTE
Extremely unlikely possibility Tsunami can be generated in three ways: Earthquake Explosive eruption Flank Failure Estimated wave heights at Saipan = 2 m. Estimated run up: 2 blocks ◦ Or ¼ miles in flat areas