How to revise for GCSE Maths
1: Target revision Students should identify their strengths and weaknesses using the traffic lighting system. Higher Module 5Higher Module 5 (Yr 11) Higher Module 5 Foundation Module 5Foundation Module 5 (Yr 11) Foundation Module 5 Unit 1 – Higher/Foundation (Yr 10) Unit 2 – Higher/Foundation (Yr10)
2: Past papers As part of the traffic lighting process, completing past papers allows students to see what they can and can’t do.
Even though there are not many ‘non coursework’ papers, the old ones are just as useful. If your child is targeting A*, A or B, use the higher papers If your child is targeting A*, A or B, use the higher papers If your child is targeting C/D borderline, use the intermediate papers If your child is targeting C/D borderline, use the intermediate papers If your child is targeting D/E grades, use the foundation papers If your child is targeting D/E grades, use the foundation papers
3: Next steps – work out what revision strategies will work for them. Buy a good revision guide, preferably with a work book - Buy a good revision guide, preferably with a work book - Have a list of good websites. Have a list of good websites. Have a list of good websites. Have a list of good websites. If money is not a problem, you can get an online tutor If money is not a problem, you can get an online tutor
Even though there are plenty of resources, you still need to spend time actually sitting down and doing it the old fashioned way! Pen and paper – 30 minutes work, 10 minutes break
Make note of the key points, formulae etc on post-it notes, make posters, lots of colour! Must know and understand mathematical words like: Calculate, Simplify, Factorise etc. Make note of the key points, formulae etc on post-it notes, make posters, lots of colour! Must know and understand mathematical words like: Calculate, Simplify, Factorise etc. Break and cut the test up so that it does not look quite so daunting, make it look more manageable! Break and cut the test up so that it does not look quite so daunting, make it look more manageable! Work on the principle of a mark a minute!
The revision set up must be in manageable chunks so that they will actually do it!!!!!!!
4: Making the most of what you know Students must get into the habit of showing all their working out! Students must get into the habit of showing all their working out! Make sure that basic number work is strong – know the times tables, can complete short multiplication/division. Eliminate silly mistakes!!! Make sure that basic number work is strong – know the times tables, can complete short multiplication/division. Eliminate silly mistakes!!! Can use their calculator properly! Can use their calculator properly!
5: Remember: Revising is all about building confidence, self esteem and making students feel ready to sit 2 papers and achieve!!! Take an interest in their work, go over it with them, mark it, buy some stickers, congratulate them! Take an interest in their work, go over it with them, mark it, buy some stickers, congratulate them! Continually show them all the work and practise that they have done if they are worried. Continually show them all the work and practise that they have done if they are worried.