Staff Briefing Thursday 16th April
Start Monday 11 th May. Normal lessons until Friday 22nd May. Detailed timetable given to all staff. Detailed Timetable and letter given to all students in special assemblies Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st April. (Tutors to check reply slips please). Tutors ensure students go through their A3 sheet and highlight when they should be in school.
As far as possible in normal timetabled lessons. Students register in tutor groups as normal if they have a grade buster period 1 or 4. If students are late into school they must sign in as normal at student reception. If they have a grade buster lesson that starts period 2, 3 or 5 registration takes place in the lesson. Staff must mark the register in the first 5 min of the lesson and save. If there is a fire year 11 line up separately. Pastoral managers will take the registers. Students must sign out if they leave school during a session.
A session of 20 minutes immediately before each GCSE exam with normal teachers in normal teaching rooms. If you know a student is absent from your Quick Tips please let Michelle Kelly know as soon as you bring your class to the exam venue. Students escorted by their teachers to the exam hall for 9.35 a.m. or 1.45 p.m. Staff to escort their group into the exam hall and ensure the students take their seats in an orderly manner. Staff should then return to their lesson if they are teaching.
Should say 11a/Sc1 ATI: A13
Up to and including Friday 22nd May normal lessons all students register in tutor groups even if they have an exam. Mark absent if they are not in tutor time. Up to an including 22nd May in lessons mark students who are in an exam with an S. After 22nd May students have been marked with a B for tutor registration. If students are in registration for an exam or gradebuster session change the B to a present mark. Last exam is Monday 22 nd June After 22nd May in lessons all students in year 11 will be marked with S by the office staff. If they attend your grade buster lesson please alter the S to present.
1. Mock examinations will take place from Monday 22 rd June until Thursday 2 nd July. 2. Most papers are 1hr 30 min long and there will be only one paper for each subject. However, there are a couple of exceptions, e.g. English, MFL and Maths. 3. Examinations will start period 2 (students will go to lunch at the end of the examination) and period 4 (students will be allowed home at the end of the examination). Period 1 will be normal lessons. 4. Year 10 Progress Report deadline for staff is Wednesday 8 th July and deadline for directors to have checked these will be the end of school on Monday 13 th July.
Tutors: Please register students then send them to the Hall Monday 20 th April - Year 11 Hawk & Falcon Tuesday 21 st April - Year 11 Condor &Kestrel Thursday 23 rd April- Year 10 Hawk & Falcon Friday 24 th April- Year 10 Condor & Kestrel Note: Year 11 event in the Hall Friday 22nd May periods 4 & 5.