2 empowering people to prevent csa* We do this by RAISING AWARENESS and EDUCATING ADULTS to: Understand the facts and risk factors for abuse Prevent abuse before it starts - primarily by minimizing the opportunity and openly talking about the issue with caregivers and with children Recognize the warning signs of potential abuse and recognize the signs that abuse has occurred Warning signs by a potential abuse Warning signs in a child React responsibly to warning signs and suspicions Confronting inappropriate behavior of an adult Intervening and reporting on a child’s behalf The IMPACT of our work will: Adults are equipped and confident to intervene when warnings signs are present. YSO’s** have policies and procedures, including zero tolerance for infractions, minimizing the opportunity for abuse to occur. Protective behaviors become cultural norm/societal standards. Because the consequences of CSA are so far reaching, our work will aid in the efforts to reduce substance abuse, teen pregnancy, violent crime and suicide, among others. Individual Family OrganizationsCommunity Relations with peers, partners, and family. Attitudes and beliefs; knowledge and skills. Organizational policies and practices. Cultural norms. Educating Parents/Caregivers Educating Staff and Volunteers of Youth Serving Organizations, Schools, Faith Centers, Sports and Recreation, Providers Media Campaigns Partner in Prevention Designation
3 Changing Adult Behaviors and Building Safer Communities KnowledgeSocialFinancial Subject Matter Expertise, Quality Programs, and Resources Sound Policy and Procedures Education for Adults to Strengthen Individual Knowledge and Skills Healthy Sexuality/Boundaries Education for Children Intervention and Reporting Resources for Survivors Distribution of Knowledge by Trusted Local Organizations YMCA’s Child Advocacy Centers Prevent Child Abuse America Chapters Municipalities Funding Support Research and New Product Development Media Campaigns Scholarships Advocacy/Policy Work Organizational Capacity Legislation/Policy, National Media and Dialogue, Standard of Care WE CAN’T DO IT ALONE YMCA’S Child Advocacy Centers Stop it Now! Prevent Child Abuse America National Coalition to Prevent the Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children National Collaborative to Protect America’s Children
Spectrum of prevention Local Coalitions National Alliance Teachers Staff and Volunteers PSA’s Digital Public Policy/Legislation Organizational Policy and Procedure Fostering Networks and Coalitions Educating Providers Community Education/Awareness Individual Knowledge and Skill Stewards of Children