Report on the meetings in 2013 PH TSO Annual meeting 2 PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont
Agenda 1. Context 2. Main points 3. What has been done 4. What remains to be done PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont3
I. Context New DSO in 2012, new DDSO in meetings in June 2013 between PH Safety office and around PH TSOs. Report written to be used as a base for improvements PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont4
II. Main points The TSOs have nothing but problems to solve and often there is no positive side to the work, are not always listened too, act alone, no cohesive approach, get very little in the way of support, are often volunteered but do not volunteer themselves, don't have access to all the rooms of the infrastructures they are supervising. The level of motivation is very low The role of the TSO is quite well defined but the power is limited Is power linked to a budget? The TSO has no budget. Is power linked to the priority and importance of safety within the Organisation? Is the safety structure at CERN now appropriate, for what concerns the TSO? It is very difficult for a DSO to provide support to the TSO’s. PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont5
II. Main points The TSO’s position, role and authority would be well understood. performance would be monitored and included in his MARS appraisal. supervisor would take into account TSO related objectives and performance in the MARS exercise. PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont6
II. Main points Delegation requires: COMPETENCES, MEANS, AUTHORITY In an ideal world, the TSO would have the COMPETENCES be trained and competent and the training would be regular and refreshed, in both languages EN and FR, be a First aider and trained in order to use a fire extinguisher, speak FR and EN, be easily contactable by the Fire and Rescue Service. MEANS have the keys of all the rooms of the infrastructure, have a budget code, have a deputy, AUTHORITY New hierarchical link needed. … with the necessary motivation and a mandate limited in time (3 years?). PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont7
III. What has been done Working group at the DSOC 17 Sept. 2013: “Empowering TSOs: the DSOC decides of the set up of a working group to work on this issue. … The DSOC ask them to make proposals and recommendations to empower the TSOs.”… Reported at the DSOC on March 2014 Resources required for PH Safety Office Support on dedicated/limited subjects: major issues, material purchase, drills and emergency guides, accident investigations, … PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont8
IV. What remains to be done A lot: Closer follow-up Systematic support More people to get more help Within the PH Safety office Your deputy Budget GS budget for infrastructures PH for the rest. Mention of this role in your MARS PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont9
Conclusion We thank you for your participation last year. Improvement takes time… let’s be patient. Further feedback is welcome! PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont10
Thank you - Questions PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont11
Spare slides PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont12
Evacuation drills in PH Dep. 6 evacuation drills in 2014: ATLAS, Alice, LHCb (June, Sept.) B.188 (March) B.11,12,13,14 (April) B.1,2,3,4,50,51,52,53,58,304 (Oct.) Big successes: no incident / accident Good collaboration with GS, HSE, and other dep. lot of works for the organizers, lots of improvements identified. No evacuation drill scheduled in 2015 PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont13
Evacuation drills: facts Infrastructures: Good: sirens are ringing, fire-doors are closing, Could be better: no evacuation/fire safety concept, evacuation sirens not-conform, fire-doors not conform, evacuation signalling insufficient/not appropriate, no interlock with lifts, location of assembly points, Organisational: Good: drills performed, personnel trained and equipped, quick intervention of Fire Brigade, Could be better: not enough equipment, no trained, emergency guide, not enough drills, Personnel: Good: (almost) everybody evacuated, assembly point joined, Could be better: late or no evacuation, Weather: No rain! PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont14
What you can do Identify whether your building is equipped with evacuation sirens: Find emergency guides and ask them to register for the fire extinguisher training course Contact to get them trained and Contact Aniello Russo to review the evacuation signalling and update the emergency plan Be volunteer to organize the next evacuation drill… PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont15
Proposed drills for 2016 Buildings 160, 161, 300, 301 Buildings 20, 21, 168 Buildings 16, 17, 18, 19… Buildings 40 and 42 - together, Building 32 … PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont16
Accidents: 2013 CERN’s statisticsstatistics 364 accidents in 2013, 64 on MPA CMS Induction - 17 July N. DUPONT - EDMS
Accidents: CERN’s statistics CMS Induction - 17 July N. DUPONT - EDMS
Accidents: CERN’s statistics CMS Induction - 17 July N. DUPONT - EDMS
Accidents: CERN’s statistics CMS Induction - 17 July N. DUPONT - EDMS
Accident analysis 9 accidents analysed in details Accidents analysis are done in order to learn, not to blame anyone Main lessons learnt: Not enough first-aiders Calling is not systematic Incidents and near-misses not reported enough – would help preventing accident MPA (associates) are mainly exposed to road safety hazards (bicycle helmet, high visibility jacket, speed limits, road infrastructures, etc.) PH TSO Annual meeting - N. Dupont22