Briefing on Progress made with regard to Prevention and Management of Child Abuse and Neglect Especially Child Sexual Abuse Presentation at the Portfolio Committee By The Dept of Social Development Date : 4/2/2004
Areas covered in recommendations Policies and legislative processes Draft Strategy on the Prevention and Management of Child Abuse and Neglect Funding and Human Resources Draft Protocol on the Prevention and Management of Child Abuse and Neglect Child Protection Register (CPR) Training Partnerships between Government and NGOs, CBOs and the business sector Conclusion
Policies and legislative processes Children’s Bill SALC handed over the Bill to Minister in Dec 2002 Consultations with other critical Departments up to end of June 2003 Cabinet approval of the Bill in July 2003 The Bill Gazetted for comments on 13 August 2003 State Law advisors process
Children’s Bill Submission of the Bill to parliament and its division into section 75&76 as advised by the deputy speaker during October Principal Bill and amendment Bill Briefing of the Portfolio committee on 14 and 19 November Way forward Parliamentary processes related to the approval and promulgation of the Bill Regulations Costing Training Implementation
Family Policy Research completed Draft policy developed Way forward Consultations with communities Working closely with the Moral Regeneration Movement in finalising the policy Costing Launch of policy during 2004 Implementing the International Year of the Family
Progress with the draft strategy on the prevention of child abuse and neglect The current strategic framework is used as draft policy framework Draft strategic plan developed Consultant is being appointed through UNICEF’s support to update and align the strategy with the Bill, and consolidate all the documents by end of March Costing by end of July 2004 Government approval process by end of September 2004 Training and implementation by end of 2004
Funding and human resources Draft retention strategy for social workers across the sector developed Improved remuneration packages Capacity building and staff development programme/career-pathing Improvement of working conditions Provinces are working on improving their financial support to NGOs and the Financing Policy will facilitate this.
Financing policy A national task team has developed a draft document which will be presented at the next MINMEC meeting before being consulted with stakeholders Costing is being done simultaneously implementation
Lottery The Department gave inputs on funding priorities of the welfare sector but they it is not longer a member of the distributing agency
Development of National protocols Review of provincial protocols in collaboration with UWC Infrastructure Human resources Training Multi disciplinary collaboration Recommendations of the review Draft document has been development and it will be consulted with national Depts during the first quarter of this year before implementation.
Child protection register The computerised child protection register has been established from district level in some some cases. A mini server has been established in each provincial head office The effectiveness of the programme is being continously tested and thorough adjustment will be done by the end of this quarter and thereafter a full rollout in all provinces. The register makes provision for notifications, quick response and tracking of cases All offenders found guilty of child abuse offences
Child Protection register The Children’s Bill will legislate integration between DoSD, Justice and Provincial and Constitutional Development in managing the register Dedicated human resources Way forward Training of coordinators in provinces Evaluation of the CPR March 2004 Appointment of data capturers Launch of the CPR during Child Protection Week May 2004
Training of Volunteers NGOs are funded for child protection services Donor funding provided to National Council for Child Welfare to train volunteers on child abuse Child-Line funded to extend its line and train new volunteers Alignment of the child care forums, coordinated action for children affected by HIV&AIDS with the neighbourhood programme The review of child protection services to inform us of gaps in the training manuals Provinces also to continue with the training of social workers on regular basis
Partnerships Strengthening Partnerships Increase of subsidies to welfare organisations recommended to provinces Provincial child abuse and child care committees/forums have been established in some regions Child Protection Week activities involves all stakeholders from community levels
Networking This is more visible at provincial levels where cooperation between Education and DoSD and Health depts takes place in schools and their communities in implementing awareness raising and life skills programmes
Involvement of local government Provinces are already involving local government in planning and delivery of services but this will be more intensified with the implementation of the Children’s Bill which makes provision for the role of local government
Conclusion In summary the Department has made progress in the following: Drafting a retention strategy for social workers Management of the finalisation of the Children’s Bill Intensified effort to develop the strategic plan in the prevention and management of child abuse and neglect Rollout of the child protection register Filling up of posts at national level and establishing a Chief Directorate for Children The challenge and focus this year is to implement these strategies in order to improve service delivery for the protection of children from abuse and maltreatment