Key Stage 3 Information Evening January 2015
Changes in colour code progress report Green – progressing ABOVE that expected to achieve target at the end of Key Stage 3 Yellow - progress being made is ON track to achieve the end of Key Stage 3 target Orange – Working TOWARDS end of Key Stage 3 target Red – Progress being made is BELOW that expected to achieve target at the end of Key Stage 3
GCSE reform
Reform: From 5 GCSEs A* - C To 8 GCSEs A* - C
From Grades to Numbers 2017
Models for GCSE exams: Model 1 Calendar YearCurrent Year 9Current Year 8Current Year 7 June 2015No GCSE Exams will be sat June 2016Current GCSE in RE and English Lang June 2017Current GCSE in all subjects (Excluding Eng Lang) Reformed GCSE in Maths + Eng Lit Current GCSE in RE Reformed GCSE in Eng Lang June 2018Current GCSEs in all subjects Reformed GCSE in Maths + Eng Lit Reformed GCSE in RE + Eng Lang June 2019Reformed GCSEs in all subjects (including maths)
Models for GCSE exams: Model 2 Calendar YearCurrent Year 9Current Year 8Current Year 7 June 2015No GCSE Exams will be sat June 2016Current GCSE in RE June 2017Current GCSE in all subjects Reformed GCSE in Maths, Eng Lit + Lang Current GCSE in RE June 2018Current GCSEs in all subjects Reformed GCSE in Maths, Eng Lit + Eng Lang Reformed GCSE in RE June 2019Reformed GCSEs in all subjects including Maths and English
SCIENCE PATHWAYS Core science Additional science Outcome: 2 science grades e.g. BB Triple science Biology Chemistry Physics Outcome: 3 science grades e.g. BBB