SIMS Learning Gateway Parental access to student data Username and password from Mrs J Stanley Allows you access to attendance figures, timetable, assessment and personal details Go to college website Pull down menu from Resources Click on SLG Enter username and password For more information, click on More student details
KS3 Intervention Objective: to see our young people fulfilling their target grades and to tackle underachievement and developing the whole person Our Mission: ‘Our aim is to help each person achieve their potential and become equipped for an adult life of service to others.’
Subject Intervention Departments will be addressing significant underachievement in their subject areas Students are expected to make 2 levels of progress between KS2 and KS3 1:1 Tuition in English and Maths aimed at a cohort students who are underachieving in these core subjects Reading with Sixth Formers
Learning Support In class support Learning Support withdrawal Literacy and Numeracy Social Communication Groups Buddy Scheme with Sixth Formers Homework Club Monday, Tuesday, Friday lunchtimes Craft Club - Wednesday Lunchtime Supervised Lunchtime Activities – Blue Room Support for students with English as an Additional Language
Academic Year Progress Grades are recorded in student planners and SLG Parents’ Evening Thursday 17 th November pm Wednesday 7 th December - Progress Day1 16 th December Interim report 1 2nd February Options Evening Wednesday 22nd February Progress Day 2 4 th May 2012 – Interim Report 2 July Full Written Reports
Looking to GCSE Wolf Report – Work Experience will be organised in Year 12 for students who stay with us for 6 th Form No formal WE in Year 11 Independent arrangements in holidays – WE or voluntary work Options Evening 2 nd February 2012 Pathways will be offered English Baccalaureate (EBacc) PSHE introduces Options Programme Recommendations Mrs C Hanlon and Mrs L McKeaveney - access through school website
GCSE RE Religious Studies GCSE is delivered over a 3 year period to ensure that we, as a Catholic college, offer lessons that will deepen and expand the Catholic dimension of students’ learning and experience. Every unit of the OCR Philosophy and Ethics specification has been expanded to include a wider, more scriptural/doctrinal content and to provide a greater focus on students being able to learn from religion as well as about religion. This approach affords students the opportunity for exploring personal faith as well as being able to focus their academic studies over a 3 year period. GCSE Unit B th May 2012