GCSE SUCCESS Information Evening How can I support my child on the run up to their exams?
The Information O What have we done so far? O What next ? – Dates for your diary O What’s next? – Let’s prepare O What can you do?
What have we done so far?
Breakfast from 0830 in Year 11 diner O Fresh fruit salad O Cereal O Yoghurt O Bacon sandwich O Beans on toast O Toast O Fresh Juice
Intervention Form Groups ENGLISH SCIENCE MATHS
After school intervention O CATs O Coursework O BTECs
What have we done so far? O Free breakfast every day during Mock exams O Intervention form groups O After school intervention focussed on coursework O Created additional sets by employing more staff O Learning Mentors O School Reports and Parents Evening O Text service reminding when Mocks are on
What next? Dates for diaries O W/B Mon 9 th March – Final Mocks O Wed 18 th March - Provisional personal exam timetables issued to students O W/B Mon 23 rd March - Provisional timetable to parents O Fri 17 th April - Final timetable to parents O Wed 29 th April - Exam information to students, rules etc.
What next? Dates for diaries O First GCSE exam - Tuesday 5 th May O Last GCSE exam - Wednesday 17 th June
Let’s Prepare
O Reward the students – Year 11 Intervention Passport O INTU vouchers O Money off The Prom O Additional support and revision sessions during the Easter Holiday and May Half Term (further details to follow)
What can you do?
O The single biggest favour you can do for your child is to send them to school every day, on time O Make sure your child is properly equipped O Organise a ‘work area’ that has all the materials they require O Use a reward structure to help motivate and support your child O agree on the ‘work-(social) life’ balance.
What can you do? O Choose one good revision guide for each subject (check with the teachers) O Plan a revision timetable with your child O Provide plenty of snacks and water O Be sensitive to the pressure your child is feeling O Go through my revision tips idea’s with your child (take a copy home).