Status Report 4 CAPS Cynthia Reyna David Rodriguez Cynthia Salas 9/22/08 Child Abuse Prevention System is a device that will monitor and log abusive hits applied to a victim.
CAPS Need for design: To provide much needed evidence in ongoing child abuse cases. We are initially concentrating on children under 3 years of age since they cannot communicate effectively. MilestonesTarget Date Set sensitivity levels of forces/Amplifier 9/25/08-9/24 Program microcontroller 10/07/08-10/1 Start to implement code for GUI interface 10/19/ Test and debug GUI 11/3/08-10/10 Test and debug whole system 11/12/08-10/15 Implement a PCB design11/3/08 Fabricate a PCB board11/12/08
Completed Tasks Purchased two books to aid in microprocessor interfacing and programming Tested sensors and contact microphone for functionality TEK Competition (1 st meeting with business group) Locate sample code for GUI Developed website Template Found a different TX/RX
Ongoing/Pending Tasks Tasks-Completion date Set the sensitivity level of sensors- 9/17/08 Start to design a web page – 9/17/08 Interface sensors and heart monitor with microcontroller-9/26/08-9/24 Complete the Team Contract-9/24 Complete the Invention Disclosure – 9/24 Order TX/RX -9/24 Program the continuous data logging of the design- 9/26/08
Next week upcoming tasks Become more familiar with development board with testing the different components per the book purchased Program Microcontroller Revise Gantt chart as we make progress
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Project Schedule