0 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter Rustem Dzhelyadin, (IHEP, Protvino) INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Contents: Design overview Trigger with HCAL Internal structure Iron plates production Scintillating tiles Fiber routing Module-0 assembly Calibration with 137 Cs Beam-test Summary
1 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter design overview Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia two separate movable halves: stack of 26 modules in each half 5.6 instrumented depth 4.2(w) x 0.26(h) x 1.66(l) m module weight 9.5 ton read-out electronics on detector
2 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter trigger on high P t hadron Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia
3 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter internal structure Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Sampling iron/scintillator: 5.58:1 master plate 6 mm thick spacer plate 4 mm thick scintillator tile 3 mm thick Natural iron path: 1cm lateral ~ 1 X 0 20 cm longitudinal ~ 1 I Mechanical advantages: self supporting, rigid same iron design both for - full size cell and - half size cell Easy in construction: punching technology (iron plates) casting in mold (scintillator tiles)
4 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter iron plates production Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Three technologies tested: milling - easy to start, but production rate and cost/quality problem laser cut - low cost, productive, but tolerance problem punching - good for mass production, but die construction needed Module-0 parts (milled iron)Masters under test (laser cut)
5 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter iron plates production (cont.) Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia guide pins Die for masters punching guide pins Die data: - weight 5.3 ton - contour circumference ~3 m - positioning accuracy 0.05 mm - dimension tolerance 0.10 mm - production rate 50 pc/h Key dimension measured as 80.02
6 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter iron plates production (cont.) Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Spacer punching in progress Die data (for spacer #5): - weight 1.5 ton - contour ~93 cm - accuracy 0.05 mm - tolerance 0.10 mm - prod. rate 40 pc/h Spacers #5 just after punch
7 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter scintillator tiles Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Scintillating tiles produced by casting in mold Tile dimension: 197 x 256 x 3 mm 3 - full size tile 197 x 127 x 3 mm 3 - half size tile All wrapped in TYVEK envelope Fiber fed at edges inside TYVEK
8 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter scintillator tiles Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Tile response scan with -source: two-side fiber readout wrapped in TYVEK whole tile half tile
9 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter fiber routing Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia WLS fibers KURARAY type Y-11MS(250) Mirror at far end - - aluminized Two LED per module for calibration: timing (±0.5 ns) short term stability PMT linearity Diamond head Fiber cut tool
10 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter module-0 assembly Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Module-0 constructed in 2001: iron - milled in Tula, Russia assembled in IHEP workshop delivered to CERN Optics parts: fiber aluminized at IHEP tiles cast in Podolsk, Russia assembled at CERN PMT’s: 24 FEU-115m10 from MELZ 16 HM , HAMAMATSU Two fast LED with drivers installed Electronics for DC current measurement (induced by 137 Cs radioactive source)
11 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter calibration with 137 Cs radioactive source Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia 3 miniature 137 Cs -source manufactured at JINR, Dubna: 5 mCu, 8 mCu, 10 mCu Allow measure any tile and fiber response: continuous pipe-line through all modules hydraulic pump-valve driver garage for source housing Readout electronics: DC integrator ( = 2 ms) 12 bit ADC (5 ms/module) CAN-PCI (1 Mb/s) Software: CAN Open protocol drivers Visualization - monitoring SCADA control
12 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter beam-tests Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Module-0 on X7 beam-line at CERN SPS
13 The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter Summary Rustem Dzhelyadin(IHEP, Protvino)INSTR02 Conference, BNPI, Novosibirsk, Russia Design goal - simple detector easy to construct Allow essentially improve sensitivity to hadronic final states of B-decay Productive and low cost technology available: casting and punching Module-0 has been constructed show feasibility of design Mass production started in 2002