Dawn Dawn Mission
Dawn How Do We Get There?
Dawn DAWN A Journey to the Beginning of the Solar System Vesta Travel Plans: Dawn’s Itinerary The Dawn Spacecraft will travel 6.3 billion kilometers Almost ten years To the asteroid 4 Vesta and Dwarf planet 1 Ceres. Ceres
Dawn Travel Plans: Cross-Country Trip A 3000 mile trip from Los Angeles to New York City requires: 120 gallons of fuel –16 cubic feet storage –adds 685 pounds weight 4 days travel time
Dawn A Trip to Mars A 35 million mile trip from Earth to Mars requires: 900 metric tons of rocket fuel 6 months travel time
Dawn Interplanetary Trajectory
Dawn Hydrazine tank 45 kg capacity Xenon tank 450 kg capacity Folded solar arrays Ion thruster 2.3 meters Ion Propulsion System
Dawn Thrust vs. Time