choice, change, belief, attitude, information, behaviour But what if we see water consumption as consequence of ordinary practice? What is required in order to be a normal member of society? How does this change, and with what consequence for water demand?
Explaining laundering and associated patterns of water consumption…..
Increasing frequency 12% of per capita domestic indoor water use in the UK and 21% in the USA litres per wash in the UK but 80 in the USA 274 cycles per year in the UK but 340+ in the USA Decreasing temperatures and water use 92% homes have washing machine in the UK 1970s - 25% washed at 90 degrees C % washed at 90 degrees C.
Why wash: disinfecting (source of dirt); display; sensation, routine; cleanliness, freshness.. ideas What is there to wash: stocks of clothing, idea of wardrobe, types of fabric, felt, leather, linen, cotton explosion, nylon etc… materials When is washing done: running out, routine, daily, weekly; conspicuous laundering,.. ideas. How to wash: relate to fabric, steam, ironing, temperature, sorting, womens work, know-how With what tools? Boards, tubs, machines, soaps, detergents, conditioners (commercial, home);..materials
laundry routines change as links between stuff, image and skill are made and broken stuff materials technology Competen ce procedure skill competence procedure images symbols meanings Why practices change? Laundry as the emergent outcome of integration
What is there to launder? What stocks, fabrics and types of clothing are involved? What are the tools of laundering? What devices, appliances and chemicals are involved? Understandings of service – of what it means to do the laundry – emerge as consequence of constituent practices, technologies and conventions When to launder? What are the cycles and flows of washing, wearing and appearance? How is laundry done? What steps and stages? What skills and expertise? Who does it? Why launder? For sensation, display, disinfection, deodorisation or routine. Laundry as a system of systems
For example….. Machine washing and what it means to wash well Freshness (not just cleanliness)
A generation ago, boiling was considered essential for getting the wash really clean and germ free Whiteness as the measure of cleanliness – the reflectometer Whatever comes out of the machine, to me that is clean I From disinfection to reflection
The machine defines the process The machine defines dirt
ISo do things feel different as well when you haven't washed them? RI feel different - I know Im clean - I know I've put all clean clothes on - so I'm alright - do you know what I mean?... it wasnt dirty, it wasnt smelly or anything, it just really wanted freshening in my mind Freshness and frequency
Freshness product process never ending need internal not external contamination
Explaining laundering Stuff few items, wiping Image Protect the body Procedure Collective event Stuff automatic washing machine, lots of clothes Image appearance freshness; protect the clothes Procedure Fragmented moments, speed and convenience Stuff tubs, wringers, boiling water Image Moral-medical discipline, disease and disorder Procedure Regular weekly schedules, hard labour.
Laundering: a dominant trajectory of materials/tools?
What is there to launder? What stocks, fabrics and types of clothing are involved? What are the tools of laundering? What devices, appliances and chemicals are involved? Understandings of service – of what it means to do the laundry – emerge as consequence of constituent practices, technologies and conventions When to launder? What are the cycles and flows of washing, wearing and appearance? How is laundry done? What steps and stages? What skills and expertise? Who does it? Why launder? For sensation, display, disinfection, deodorisation or routine. Laundry as a system of systems
Reflexive/conspicuous consumption Where most effort has focused Individual belief, attitude, behaviour, information, persuasion to use less water, focus on resources Routine/ordinary consumption Where the real challenges lie Convention, routine, dynamics of sociotechnical systems, structuring of options - services not resources; habits and injunctions not choices