Once Upon a New York Day Created By: Tawna Bartley Megan Beisel Tara Straker
Once upon a time, on a random day in New York City…
A man was making his way innocently through the ghetto, watching his back as he went.
He came across a woman telling horoscopes and she offered to tell his.
She told him that today he would encounter great conflict that would affect his entire life.
He passed a gang of hoodlums and thought this might be the conflict the woman referred to, but they walked right past him.
He knew worrying about a horoscope was silly so he decided to distract himself by buying some popcorn.
He started across the street to the popcorn stand… …but he never made it!
Luckily, many New Yorkers are equipped with cell phones!
One of them called the ambulance, which arrived shortly after.
They worked quickly but were too late!
The woman thought to herself, “I hate my job!”
The police came to take statements from the witnesses.
The onlookers gave their testimonies and…
…New York never looked back.
The moral of the story is: What happens in New York…
…goes unnoticed by all!
The End (No one was harmed in the making of this PowerPoint. Best wishes to those traveling to New York!)