An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which those actions are to be executed. An algorithm is contains sequence of steps taken to solve a problem. The steps are normally "sequence," "selection, " "iteration," and a case-type statement. In C, "sequence " are regular statements. The "selection" is the "if then else" statement. The” iteration “ is satisfied by a number of statements, such as the "while," " do," and the "for,”.
Algorithm A sequential solution of any program that written in human language, called algorithm. The word derives from the name of the mathematician, Mohammed ibn-Musa al- Khwarizmi. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.
Algorithm ALGORITHM To perform all arithmetic operations among two numbers. Step 1: Start Step2 : Read two numbers into A ann B. Step 3: Compute C = A + B, D = A – B, E = A * B, F = A / B Step 4: Print “Sum=” C, “Difference=” D,”Product “E and “Division =” F Step 5: Stop
Algorithm ALGORITHM To find roots of give quadratic equation Step 1: Start Step2: Read 3 no’s into a,b,c Step3: let d=b^2-4ac Step4: if d>0,print roots are real and distinct and r1=(-b+sqrt(d))2a and r2=(-b-sqrt(d)/2a print r1,r2 Step5: else if d=0, print roots are Equal and r=-b/2a print r Step6: else print roots are imaginary Step: stop
Algorithm ALGORITHM To print first n even numbers Step1: Start Step2: Read a number in to N Step3: I=1 Step4: if(i mode2=0), print I Step5: I=I+1 Step6: IfI<=2*N, go to step 4 Step 7: Stop
Algorithm ALGORITHM To generate the Fibonacci series Step 1: Start Step 2: Let A=-1,B=1,I=1C. Step 3: Read Limit to N Step 4: Evaluate C=A+B, Print C, A=B, B=C,I=I+1 Step 5: if I<=N Then Goto Step 4 Step 6: Stop
Algorithm ALGORITHM To search an element in an array and to print its position. Step 1: start Step 2: read limit into N Step 3:print enter array Step 4: I=0 Step 5: readA[I] Step 6: I+1,I<N go to step 4 Step 7: print given array Step 8:I=0 step 9: print A[I] Step 10: I+1,I<N go to step 9 Step 11: read ITEM Step 12: F=0 Step 13: I=0 Step 14: if A[I] =ITEM Step 15: print A[I] and I Step 16: F=1 Step 17: I+1,if I<N go to step 15 Step 18: if F=0 Step 19: print item not found Step 20: stop
Algorithm ALGORITM To sort an array Step 1: Start Step 2: Initialize A[10],I=0,j,n,t Step 3: Read limit into n Step 4: Print “enter the array element” Step 5: Read A[i] Step 6: I=I+1, IF I<N THEN goto Step 5 Step 7: Print “The given Array” I=0 Step 8: Print A[I] I=I+1 Step 9: If I<N THEN goto Step 8 Step 10:SET I=0 Step 11:SET J=0 Step 12:IF A[I]>A[J] THEN Step 13: T=A[I] Step 14:A[I]=A[J] Step 15:A[J]=T Step 17:J=J+1, If J<N THEN goto step 12 Step 18:I=I+1, If I<N THEN goto Step 11 Step 19:Print “Sorted Array “; Step 20:set I=0 Step 21: Print A[I], I=I+1 Step 22: If I<N THEN Goto Step 21 Step 23: Stop