Region 1 Educational Activities Presented by Mary E. Reidy Region 1 Education Activities Chair August 2006, Syracuse, NY Summer Region 1 Meeting
Region 1 Educational Activities 2 Mission Identify the educational needs of the IEEE Region 1 members. Region 1 Section Chairs to deliver high-quality, member-appropriate, timely and cost-effective programs that enhance the professional knowledge of Region 1 members.
Region 1 Educational Activities 3 Some Examples of Region 1 Continuing Education Programs….. Syracuse Second Annual Engineering Expo Programs offered in 2005 in 5 disciplines sorted in 6 tracks per discipline Boston High- tech seminars on emerging technologies. Nano-technology Biomedical Sensors Systems Emerging Sections Buffalo- Annual Engineering Expo held during Engineers Week sponsored in 2005 by the local NSPE and ASHRAE sections Rochester- Several sessions on topics such as power quality and emerging computer topics offered. Capital District( Albany /Schenectady) – Also offer multi-track sessions and award professional development hours.
Region 1 Educational Activities 4 Implementation Request… Consider the needs of your Section One-day sessions University Courses On-demand courses
Region 1 Educational Activities 5 Process 1. One-day session Model of event Brings together local talent Networking Attend upcoming session Syracuse- Mike Hayes Binghamton- Vince Socci Rochester- Jim Ziobro Schenectady Others? Collaborate to tailor to your Section’s needs
Region 1 Educational Activities 6 Process 2. University Course Determine Choice Traditional in-person university course One-day session On-line- virtual session Existing models exist for all Examples: University of Buffalo, Syracuse University, Boston, MIT, WPI, etc
Region 1 Educational Activities 7 Content Choices ….. IEEE Education Society IEEE Proceedings and Standards Committee IEEE Color Series Books Region 1 Colleges and Universities with Leading Edge Research in the following areas….. Power Aerospace Systems Nanotech Biomed
Region 1 Educational Activities 8 Directory of Educational Activities Develop a directory of existing continuing education courses Use to guide and support the needs of the Region 1 members Section Continuing Education Contacts
Region 1 Educational Activities 9 Questions?..... Mary Reidy……… Thank you ….Enjoy Central New York